Ugh Film Fest

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"We really should have gotten this weekend off," I grumbled to Scarlett, who was flipping through the copious amount of pamphlets we had to disperse.

"Yeah but c'mon at least there's some nice eye candy to look at," Scar winked at me. She had been ogling guys from other schools all afternoon.

"Yeah I guess you're right," I gave her a half-hearted shrug.

It wasn't a bad thing for all the good looking people wandering our hallways, there was just oneguyIwasavoiding in particular. A certain someone I had been avoiding at all costs even if it meant spending five minutes or more in our mop closet.

I didn't want to talk to Nick. I didn't care enough to hear what he had to say. I wanted to just work my shift and do what had to be done. Plus the stress of the film festival made our boss on edge and I didn't feel like getting yelled at by him for "personal matters".

We had been doing announcements in every auditorium and my throat was starting to get sore. We were only halfway through day 1. At least we got a pass from school to miss this Friday for it. That was a plus side.

"I'm so excited to see Madi and Drew's movies," Scarlett piped up interrupting my train of thought.

"Yeah, same! They both have been agonizing over them. I don't get how they do it," I chuckled. "It's too stressful."

"Right. Madi called me crying the other night saying how awful her movie was and how it wasn't what she wanted. I felt so bad," she frowned.

"Well have you seen it? It can't be that bad if it made it here right?" Scar paused from the stack of papers she was sorting through.

"I haven't actually. But it has to be good if she was one of the few chosen." She shrugged turning to her stack. "Okay I'm going to go drop these off an I'll meet you in number 7 yeah?"

"Sounds good," I confirmed with her giving a small smile. At least we got to work together.

I finished up all the pamphlets I was working on to bring downstairs with me to our auditorium. We got assigned to the theatre that would be showing the movies from our school's contestants. Thankful for our boss letting us choose which auditorium we wanted to work in. That made it more exciting for us this year, especially since some of our friend's films were in it.

After a few minutes I finishing up I set everything down in a crate and made my downstairs.

"Hey Desi," I heard a light voice call out.

"Yeah?" I turned around to see one of the employees, Victoria looking at me.

"Do you need anyone from my team to assist you guys in your theatre tonight? I'm just trying to plan ahead with breaks and all," she seemed unsure.

"I don't think so. It'll be me, Scarlett, and Matt in there. So we should be good, but once I go set everything down and get an estimate of numbers I can let you know." I gave her an assuring smile. "Are you nervous?"

"Kind of," she shrugged. "Last year was rough, and I wasn't even a supervisor then. What if I mess up?"

"You'll be fine. Just treat it like a big premiere weekend you always do great with those. Plus it's not too scary being a supervisor. You're great at your job, that why you were promoted. Remember that," I gave her another smile before walking away.

"Thank you!" She called to me. She sounded a little relieved.

"Oh and don't forget, if you need help we got your back," I winked.

I walked down one of our hallways before I was stopped again. I was used to it by now. Except it wasn't an employee who stopped me.

"Can we talk?" Nick's voice was strained.

"There really isn't much to talk about Nick. I gotta get these to my auditorium," I lifted the box towards him hoping he would back away. He only walked closer to me causing me to back up into a wall.

"You have no idea what you're talking about or what you even saw at my apartment." He gave a low snarl causing me to press my back more firmly into the wall.

"Nick please get out of my way I would like to do my job."

I was secretly hoping a passerby would come and ask what was going on. An employee. Someone. Where was Scarlett? I tried to look around but he raised his arms pressing his hands between my head blocking my view. A little unprofessional if I had to say.

"C'mon you know you want me back. I'm willing to let you if you apologize for running away from me. You know you miss me," he whispered.

"You are making me uncomfortable, please stop. I would like to get to my theatre now," I said a bit more firm and loud enough that someone walking by could hear. The theatre had been bustling all day someone should be walking by.

"You little bitch-," he was yanked away and I had to blink twice to really see what happened.

"Oh, Nicky," Drew's voice scolded him. "That's not how we treat young ladies now is it?" He gave me a nod before returning back to Nick's raging face. "I suggest you leave her alone before it gets way more ugly."

"Stay out of this," he glowered eyes never leaving mine.

"Desmond what's going on?" Mr. Rogers walked over.

"I think this would be better discussed in private but," I lingered off gazing at Nick. I face him and said, "You know I used to think you were this amazing person. What a let down you turned out to be."

"You slut," he spat.

I turned back to Rodgers and gave him a grave smile. "You see as I was trying to go deliver my pamphlets to my auditorium Nick cornered me into that wall." I pointed to the wall I was lucky enough to walk away from. "Then he proceeded to try to talk to me about personal problems, which I said made me uncomfortable, and politely asked him to step away. When he didn't think lovely man over here pulled him away."

Rodgers looked at me in disbelief unsure even what I was talking about. It did sound a little crazy coming from the oh so perfect Nick Delgato. So when he kept looking between the two of us, I gave him another smile.

"Check the cameras if you must. But I really gotta go deliver these and help Scarlett with the announcement." I gave him an apologetic shrug and turned away.

"Nick. My office. Now." I heard Mr. Rodgers scold him as I kept my pace. I heard footsteps behind me and slowed down hoping they would catch up.

"Are you okay?" he asked me a little breathless.

"Yep," I nodded. "Thank you for that." I turned towards him just as he reached for my arm.

"Of course," he looked at me. Concerningly maybe. I couldn't tell, I was too focused on the way his fingers were wrapped so gently around me.

"Better get in there," I sighed pulling away slightly.

"Right. Oh yeah, yeah of course. See you in there," he snapped out of his daze and grabbed the door for me.

"Good luck," I winked walking past him. 

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