The Truth

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My mom and I both drove home separately since I was the one to drive Ash to the hospital. We hung around for a little bit longer before my dad and sisters came to see the baby. Tory and Quinn mentioned something about Drew stopping by to drop off something that they left in my room.

I didn't try to question it and bring up more questions from them. I felt like all anyone could talk about was Drew and I. Apparently that was more important than the fact my sister just pushed a whole human out of her. When I made that comment my dad couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm gonna take a bath," my mom called from the hallway. I was just getting to my room when I yelled back at her.

There was something on my bed probably put there by Quinn. Tory would always leave it on my dresser. I knew them well enough to know they wouldn't have let Drew in here by himself.

There on my bed was a bag of sour gummy worms with a sticky note attached and a USB drive. I pulled off the note to read the sloppy handwriting.

You can hate me all you want, but please make a decision after you've watched this. The gummy worms may or may not be a bribe. - Drew

I snorted at the last sentence and found my laptop to plug it in. There was only one file and it was labeled For Desmond. Of course, it was my full name. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him.

It was his movie that started off the same way I watched it in the theatre. I cringed and had to pause it at the part where I came up. I sat there staring at myself for ten minutes before I closed the laptop.

I opened it again.

I took one breath before pressing play. Drew's soothing voice began narrating taking up my entire room.

When I first met Desmond I didn't realize how much love some had to give for someone who believed in so little of it.

There were clips of me at lunch with our friends ruffling Sam's hair or sharing my snacks with everyone. Me and my sisters dancing around our kitchen, even yelling at each other pointing our wands pretending to duel. There was even a moment of me and Scarlett making goofy faces at each other at work.

I continued to watch as more interviews with my classmates were done. How do you show love? What is your love language? Followed by more montage clips of our classmates and of our friend group.

The more time I spent with people the more I began to understand them. The more time I spent with everyone I began to research or study the more I felt apart of them.

These were clips I took when Drew hugged our classmates who began to cry during the interview or when we surprised one of them with a birthday cake. Laughing together with our friends throwing french fries at each other. I couldn't help the smile on my face. I felt it linger each time the screen changed.

But the more time I spent with the girl who didn't believe in love, the more I began to love her.




Her determination

A clip of him teaching me how to punch filled the screen. There I was groaning over math homework and yelling at him that I will learn the concept he was helping me with. In ceramics class laughing about how bad my sculpture I was trying to make was. There even was a clip of Scarlett and I yelling over what gummy worm flavor was the best.

Her compassion.

I started crying when I saw me talking to Mia on the screen. I remember being so excited about the little phrases I had with her that I couldn't wait to talk to her. There was also me holding Ash's belly talking to the both of them.

Her humor.

There I was trying to catch the gummy worms in my mouth as Drew threw them at me on my street. Both of us laughing together in his car after I kept telling him bad jokes to cheer him up after an argument with his dad. There was even my announcer voice making fun of him when I recorded Drew at his gym. Not to mention when I was arguing with my sisters in our kitchen and I yelled that I was the backbone of our household. It followed with our mom yelling back not happy about my statement. 

The tears kept forming the more clips I saw. I had forgotten about the small moments. But Drew had recorded them all. Every moment from the beginning of our friendship was all there. What I noticed the most was how my eyes changed as time went on.

In the early clips, they were unamused, sometimes playful. In the more recent clips, he had put in my eyes were bright and full of life. Especially when Drew was next to me. There were even clips that caught the way I was looking at him. As if he was the only one in the room.

By the end, I was a hot mess that was bawling her eyes out. I couldn't stop them. My heart couldn't contain the feelings I kept hidden for so long. I had to stop ignoring them. I wiped away my tears and quickly threw on a pair of shoes. I scrambled my closet for that stupid piece of paper covered in glitter gel pen and lipstick taking it with me. 

I heard a muffled okay as I ran down the stairs. I didn't even know where I would go or where he would be. I grabbed my car keys and my gummy worms before yelling to my mom that I would be back. But I had to find him. 

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