Typical Guy Moves

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"This is the worst fucking one," Drew groaned covering his eyes from the tv.

"It's only the third movie!" I had to shout at him.

"Yeah well it's the worst one so far," he rolled his eyes at me.

"The book was the best," I mumbled kicking his side with my leg.
We were watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It was hard to find time for us to have our marathon with our busy schedules but we were making it work. Quinn and Ash were watching it with us. Ash had to keep shushing Quin and me from our comments.

"What was that," Drew raised his eyebrows.

"Nothing," I growled.

"Hmm what was that?" He was smirking now. Ugh, I just wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off his face.

"Nothing!" I laughed tossing a pillow at him.

"Get a room," Ash groaned pausing the movie.

She hated it when anyone spoke during a movie. It's the main reason we never watched movies together. Instead of being quiet Drew tossed the pillow at her.


"You asked for it," he shrugged snuggling back into his seat.

Ash started to play the movie again while Drew whispered his commentary to me. He hated how we basically had to watch part of the movie all over again, and I had to agree with him. But the book made it much more bearable.

"Hey, are you staying for dinner?" I whispered to him without taking my eyes away from the screen.

My mom had just texted me asking. She was out at the store grabbing groceries. I had told her Drew was coming over to watch Harry Potter with us.

"I don't have to, I can go right now if you guys are busy," he shifted a little in his seat.

"No, no you're always welcome," I gave him a reassuring nod.

"Okay well if that's okay with you," he eyed me warily.

I responded back to my mom and quickly put away my phone before Ash had anything else to yell at me about. I leaned against Quin and she began to play with my hair. I loved it when she would do that. I was secretly hoping she would braid it for me, but I didn't want to ask.

"Okay, kids I'm home," our mom's voice called from the garage entrance. We had almost finished the movie by the time she came back.

"Mom, there is no talking during Harry Potter, " Ash scolded her.

"How have the two of you survived this long," she eyed Quin and I. I gave her a shoulder shrug and offered to help her with the groceries.

"Hi Mrs. Drake thanks again for letting me stay for dinner," Drew got up to take the bags from her hands.

"Oh hi, Drew thank you. Please call me Grace," she smiled sweetly at him. She looked back at me and mouthed how amazing he was. I had to roll my eyes at her.

"So what are you kids up to tonight?" She sighed happily unloading some vegetables from the bags.

"We helped Drew with more questions for his movie, he was showing us some of the other interviews he's had," Ash called.

"And we voted on who was the most entertaining," Quinn popped into the kitchen.

"Oh yeah ho was the best?"

"Well, Desi and I thought it was this one couple who is supposed to do long-distance when they go to college, which is a load," Quin chuckled.

"Why?" Our mom asked quizzically.

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