Trying My Best

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Some say it's the worst day of the week and at this point in my life, I would agree with them. Mainly because I spent dreading it for the last twenty-four hours. I even convinced my sisters to get coffee with me before school. It made us late, but they were fine with it.

I avoided every possible spot that Drew could find me or bump into me at all costs. Scarlett came over last night so she knew everything that was happening. I told her I was going to eat lunch out on the lawn just in case. I wanted to be alone, plus it was a nice day out.

Everyone is asking for you

I read the text over and over before responding. Everyone? Was Drew apart of it?

Tell them I'm making up an assignment or doing extra credit.

I was about to text Scarlett again with my questions but she beat me to it. She was always one step ahead.

Drew isn't here either. Madi made the comment that you two were together but I said I doubt it.

Thank you. I owe you big!

I spent the rest of the lunch period focusing on everything but Drew. I knew I couldn't avoid him forever. Especially since I had a class with him tomorrow. Maybe I could get my mom to sign me out of school tomorrow. Or Dylan. She would probably do it without questioning it.

The rest of the day went smoothly. Thank god. I didn't know what would happen if I ran into him. At least knowing tomorrow's class would give me more time to prepare to see him.

I was standing with Ash at our lockers when I saw him. We had been discussing her baby shower for this weekend. She ended up agreeing to have Cam's mom host it. I offered to help her with any of the planning if she needed it.

I shut my locker after grabbing everything I needed to do homework. Just as I turned my eyes locked with his. I couldn't speak or move. Everything seemed to stop around him. He took a step closer. And then another. I just stared at him dumbfounded.

As he opened his mouth to speak Scarlett grabbed my arm shaking me out of whatever reality I was stuck in. "Hey, Nick called out of work tonight want an extra shift?"

Without looking away from him I agreed for the shift. Just something else to take my mind off of everything. Maybe I was avoiding confronting my feelings, but I would figure it out eventually.

I kept staring at Drew for a few more seconds wishing he would get closer or say something. Anything. Instead, he just looked sad. We both did. There was no point in telling me that. I knew the look on my face.

I counted to five before turning to ask Ashton if she was ready to go. She gave me a swift nod. Without another look at him, I took Scarlett's arm and the three of us walked down the hallway. That was that.


I thought I was going to vomit my guts and whatever I ate for lunch up on the floor. There was no way I could make it through this class without vomiting or crying. I would take bets on it.

The warning bell had already wrang so I guess I had to go in. I didn't want to be late and have the entire class staring at me. I took a final breath before forcing myself through the door.

When I opened my eyes I didn't see Drew in class. Maybe he wouldn't show up. I know Madi talked about how he was working on his film nonstop and even got excused from a few classes. I sat down at my desk letting out a sigh of relief.

Not even two seconds later Drew raced into class muttering an apology to our teacher before sitting down next to me.

We were instructed to move to the other room to work with more clay this week. This was good. I could sit somewhere not near Drew. At least that was something I could hope for.

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