A Shower of Babies

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"I still can't believe we're doing this," Ash winced as I pulled into Cam's driveway.

"It's not to late to back out. Say the words and I'll reverse right now."

"Yeah," Quinn piped up from the back seat. "Where do you want to go Ash? Paris? Prague? Wisconsin?"

"Wisconsin?" Tory smeared. "Why would she want to go to Wisconsin?"

"She loves cheese."

"Ugh I do," Ash groaned. "I hope there's cheese here."

"My votes for Paris," I stated. I looked at Ash and gave her a reassuring smile. "They also have cheese there."

"I don't think that's in the cards for us," she sighed rubbing her belly. "But maybe one day."

"So we're doing this thing?" Tory asked.

"Yeah, let's go before I can change my mind." Ash sighed again as she opened the door.

She did agree to let Cam start coming into the picture to try out co-parenting. The start was letting his mom help host the baby shower here. Dylan and our mom had come earlier this morning while I promised to drive the rest of the girls.

He seemed to be trying or at least into putting more of an effort. Ash told me he spent his first paycheck on things for the baby. He'd been trying to get a list of things he would need to keep at his house.

Surprisingly our parents offered to let him stay at our house a few times a week when the baby arrives. That way they can take turns with him and both of them could get sleep. Ash seemed nervous about it but she still agreed.

I think it was just because she was afraid of getting hurt again. Or letting little man get hurt from him. Not physically, but if Cam decided it was too hard and left. That's what scared her. Only time could tell.

The backyard came together flawlessly. Our mom had come over earlier to help out and it seemed people had already started to arrive.

Ash quickly left to go say hi to Cam's mom and cousins. Tory wandered off to say hi to the cheer team. I noticed Gemma was lingering around but decided not to give her the time of day. I didn't get why she was even here, but talking to her felt like too much work.

"Looks like it's just us Quinny," I nudged her.

We decided to try to find our mom or Dylan. They had to be around here somewhere. I already was regretting wearing a dress to this. It was hot enough outside but my thighs were sweaty. I felt gross.

"Tell me again why we are wearing dresses?" I mumbled to Quinn.

"Because Ash wouldn't let us live it down if we wore jeans or sweatpants," she groaned.

"She's lucky we love her."

"Extremely," Quinn laughed.

"Did you know that Cam tried to argue with Dylan yesterday about us needing to make a shower of fake babies?" I told her as she eyes all the decorations.

We decided on a Harry Potter themed shower because Ash had been begging for us to do one the past three months. Mom had tried to talk her out of it but she held firm.

"No shit," Quinn gasped.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Ash and I were in tears after I told her. I don't think she'll ever let him live it down."

"Hi girls," Cam's mom April greeted us. Quinn bit her bottom lip to hold back the laughter. I wasn't sure if she knew what Cam wanted to do decor-wise, but it didn't seem like the right time to tell her.

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