Mermaids & Magic

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"You know you only have one date left before you break your rules," Drew teased me.   

"I know I know. That just means we gotta go big for the next date," I smirked.

We were on the way to his house mainly to babysit his sister. He was going to help me study for a math test I had tomorrow. He was also going to show me some of the footage he'd gotten of everyone that he needed to cut down and edit.

"You know it's okay to back out of this," he looked at me. I think he was nervous to bring me to his house. I didn't blame him though.

"Drew believe it or not I need all the help I can get in math, besides I don't mind going to your house," I told him. "Actually do you mind? Because I won't go if you're not comfortable with that."

"No it's okay if you come over I just don't bring girls home," he lingered.

"Not even Gemma?"

"Never Gemma," he chuckled. "What's up with you and her anyway?"

"Well, she did throw coffee all over me. But we just never got along growing up she was always rude to me. At some point, I kind of just got fed up and started giving it back to her," I shrugged. "Probably not my best option, but I just didn't want to let her think she could get to me."

"Huh." I decided not to say anything else since we were pulling into his driveway.

I couldn't help but admire the cobblestone house in front of me. It was beautiful the way the vines climbed up the sides towards the windows. It reminded me of something from a fairytale almost.

He grabbed both of our bags out of the trunk. When I offered to take mine he refused. I made another joke about chivalry which made him laugh.

"Babe is that you," I heard a sing-song voice call.

"Yeah ma, I brought Desi too," he called back. The click-clack of heels against the wood came closer causing my heart to race.

She was beautiful. Long dark curly hair and stormy eyes like Drew. They were identical. Funny how I looked just like my mom too. I wondered what his dad looked like.

"Hi Desi, Drew's spoken to me so much about you come in, come in. I'm Amanda," she gave me a warm hug.

"Hi thank you so much for having me," I squeezed her back.

"Drew you don't have practice today?"

"I'll swing by there tonight," he brushed it off.

"You know how much I hate you being out late," she scolded him. "Okay, so Mia is in the living room watching a movie she's already finished her homework, dinner is in the oven you're more than welcome to stay Desi. Drew hun thanks so much for doing this it was a last-minute client," she ran her hand through his hair. I could tell how much she cared about her kids.

"No problem, now get out of here you're gonna be late," he shooed her towards a door which I assumed was a garage.

"Okay by guys thank you! Nice meeting you Desi I hope I see you again!" She waved.

"Your mom is so sweet," I told him as the door shut.

"Yeah, she is," he agreed as we walked into the living room.

He sat down next to a curly-headed girl that had to be Mia. She gave him a big hug and then turned her attention on me. I gave her a small wave, but she turned to look at Drew in confusion.

"That's Desi," he told her and began to sign it to her.

Oh. I didn't know. He never said anything.

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