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"Okay, so what happened to you this weekend?" Drew asked me.

We were sitting outside for lunch under one of my favorite oak trees. He had his camera out so I already assumed he was filming me. He never left without his camera, so I had to figure it was always on recording something. Whether it was the questions he asked or a bird picking at the grass.

What happened to me was that my mom found out about Ashton and her big secret. I went into the story, telling him all about it. I figured there was no use to keep it a secret now since my family knew. Plus it was Drew, who was he going to tell? The whole school was going to find out eventually.

"Girls what are you doing," our mom barged into the door as Ash had lifted up her shirt in my mirror.

We had been hanging out in my room all day. Strategically avoiding our parents. Ash was losing her mind on what to do. She didn't want to abort the baby, but she didn't think she could bring in a baby to the house either. I was trying to convince her otherwise. She had been holding up her shirt to show me the little bump she was developing. It was pretty cute if I had a say in it.

Ashton was a naturally small person so recently it just looked like she was gaining weight. She had decided not to be a flyer for the cheer team and it killed her. When our parents asked she didn't say why she just made an excuse for not wanting to do it anymore.

"Ashton what is going on," our mom cautioned.

"Mom I can ex-" Ash began to cry.

"I think you better," she whispered. I could see the tears begin to form in her eyes. I rarely saw my mom cry so I knew this was going to be serious. Although I felt frozen on my bed I wasn't able to move from my spot no matter how much I wanted to. All I could do was sit there and watch.

Between sobs, Ash went into how she was seeing this guy and how she was so in love with him. She never said the name but since Cam had come to dinner a few weeks ago my mom put it together. My mom brought Ash over to the bed where we sat between her. Each of us held her hand. I had to give it to her, her grip was strong.

"Have you told him yet?" My mom whispered. She always had a soft voice so when she whispered it was barely audible. Ash shook her head vigorously crying even harder. I was a little surprised at how kind my mom was being. She was sweet rather than screaming her head off.

"You need to honey."

"I don't know if I can mom," she blubbered.

"He's going to figure out one way or another," I nudged her. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around her waist holding her and letting her know that I was there.

My mom gave her more advice considering she went through this in high school. I knew she was upset but she was holding her own emotions back from Ash. It made my heart hurt to see both of them so upset, but there was nothing I could do except be there for them.

I sat silently as they planned another doctor's appointment. My mom called the doctor for her but told Ash that she would have to do it next time. It was time for her to take charge.

"Holy shit," Drew muttered.

"Yup," I nodded clasping my hands together.

"Wait so its Cams right?"

"Uh-huh." I clenched my jaw together. I couldn't say anything bad about him. That's what Ash and Dylan had told me.

"How a-" he was cut off by my phone ringing. I only answered it because it was Ash.

"Ash, what's going on are you okay?" My voice was higher than usual. I could tell something was up considering the sniffling from the other end.

"He doesn't want it," she whispered.

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