3 Date Rule

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"How was your date?" He teased me as he wiped the sweat from his head with a towel.

"It wasn't a date," I scoffed.

"Okay, then how was your nondate?" He smirked.

I stuck my tongue out at him but continued to tell him about it anyway. At some point during the story, I saw him take out his camera and start filming. I didn't mind. I figured he was just trying to get my opinion on things. 

"Wait so explain the rules you keep talking about them," he looked at me knitting his eyebrows together.

"So the first time my sister Dylan had her heart broken she was in high school. Scarlet, Ash, and I were like woah what is this. She was hysterical about the whole thing. To this day I don't even know why they broke up," I shrugged.

He just looked at me with raised eyebrows but motioned for me to continue.

"Anyways, we were all freaked out and agreed that we never wanted our hearts broken. So we made a list we called it the Heartbreak Rules. Kind of just like guidelines on what to do to not get your heart broken," I laughed to myself recalling the memory. 

"What's your favorite rule on the list?"

"My favorite rule?" I tilted my head.

"Yeah your favorite, you have to have a favorite."

"I don't know if I have one," I admitted. I liked the idea of all of them. "Like how we are all getting older and I know it will be inevitable that all of us won't ever get out heartbroken, it's just a nice thing to rely on. It's silly but it works."

"Oh c'mon Desmond you have to have one you like more than the others it's like with cereal they're all great but you prefer one," he rolled his eyes at me.

"Well, what's your favorite cereal?"

"Des I will answer if and only if you answer my question first," he eyed me.

"Uh," I paused. "Okay, we wrote this rule called the 3 date rule."

"What's that?" He scrunched his nose as if he smelt something rotten.

"It's basically where you can only go on no more than 3 dates with the same guy. Unless you're like super interested in the person and will actually date them further. But the whole point of it is to not let yourself get too invested."

"What happens if you break the rules and go on a fourth date?"

"We make you stand in the yard and we throw rocks at you." I stared at him.

"What?" He gaped. His eyes grew bigger than his head.

"No dummy," I laughed at him. "Nothing happens. We made these rules in middle school. Like obviously we follow them but nothing happens if we break a rule."

"Have you ever broken one?"

"Nope," I shook my head.

"Seriously?" He raised an eyebrow,  "like ever?"

"Never ever."


"No guy has ever given me a reason to," I shrugged.

"Okay gimme another rule," he smiled like it was a game.

"Uh never be a chaser," I smiled.

"Is that why you didn't let him kiss you?" He mocked me.

"How dare you," I squinted my eyes towards him.

"So what? Never chase a guy or something always let them come to you right?" He asked totally avoiding my accusation.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Like I said it was a stupid list we made when we were kids."

"No it makes sense," he gave me a small smile. "At least that rule does. I feel like girls always want to be chased in that way. No offense," he quickly said.

"None taken," I assured him. "But yeah I guess we do. Maybe its because we like to feel wanted."

We sat in silence for a few minutes. I was laying on my stomach in the mat at this point. Drew was across from me sitting cross-legged. The camera was set up somewhere between us so it could catch both of us in the conversation. I liked it better that way, I wasn't the main focal point. 

"Cocoa Pebbles," he finally said.


"That's my favorite cereal, Cocoa Pebbles."

"Mine too," I smiled.

"They're so good," he groaned.

"I know! Especially when the milk gets all chocolatey, ugh it's the best!"

"Now I really want some cereal," he pouted.

"I can leave so you can finish up your moves if you wanted?"

"Nah I'll get some after," he brushed me off. "Want to learn some more moves?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"I'm in jeans."

"I won't show you any kick moves."

"I mean if you want to, but you don't have to. I now you have practice or whatever you need to do," I didn't want to hold him back.

"Okay let's go, get up," he smiled sadistically.

He took me through a few round of moves. Showing me more punches and how to block. It was pretty fun actually. Extremely tiring but fun.

"So do you do actual fights or do you just practice?"

"I have a fight in a couple of weeks actually," he punched the air.

"Do you lose a lot," I asked him

"No," he laughed. The corners of his eyes started to wrinkle.

"That's something someone who loses would say. You know so they don't look so bad," I shrugged my shoulders.

He gave me a once over and rolled his eyes. There was a smirk that I couldn't help but smile at.

"I mean we can fight right now Des and I'll show you what a winner is," he challenged. 

"Are you crazy?" I gave him a mortified expression. "You would seriously fight me? Like actually hit me?" Some guys really are crazy. 

"No," he laughed. "I would never. I would let you try to hit me and I would dodge your punches though," he smirked. 

"You really think that you can dodge every single punch I were to throw at you?" I squinted at him trying to size him up. I straightened my shoulder blades and stepped in front of him. "Bring it on Wilder."

"Glady Desmond," he smirked. 

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