Midnight Memories

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"You know everyone has seen the video of you boobs right?" Scarlett continued to point it out to me as we put away stock items at work. All day she kept mentioning it as if I could even forget.

Scarlett and I worked at our local movie theatre. This was our first job almost two years ago, and we both became assistant managers over summer. We worked a few nights a week during the school year but we practically lived here during breaks. It was kind of cool to have worked here for so long. It almost felt as if we were growing up here.

"How?" I leaned up against the wall sinking down a little bit. "I just don't understand how?" Obviously, when someone posted a video online it can be copied. But what I didn't understand was how did someone even have time to record that.

"The internet is a wild thing Desi," she sighed leaning next to me.

"Hey what are you guys doing in there?" There was a slight banging against the metal door causing each of us to jump.

"Just grabbing some candy for the stand Nick," I called back.

I nudged Scar to grab some candy so we could get back to work. After the long day I've had I really didn't feel like getting yelled at by Nick. I respected him too much to ever try to get on his bad side.

He was just so dreamy. He always looked like he just came back from the beach. His gorgeous tan and beach blonde waves. He had deep brown eyes and broad shoulders. Not to mention how polite and charming he was.

He was also another manager like us but he worked here longer so he knows more and has access to the building. He goes to our community college for business. He was only two years older than us, but he just seemed so different.

So I had a little crush on him. But who didn't that worked here? I think even a few boys did, but I don't blame them. He was just so nice to look at.

It's not like I would date him. Maybe I would, but it wouldn't be anything. It's not like all relationships last. Besides relationships don't last.

"Sorry, Nick," I gave him a small smile as he takes some candy out of my hands.

"No problem Desi. Hey, is everything okay with you?"

"Uh yeah why what's up?"

"Nothing I just saw the video," he paused unsure of what to say next.

"Oh my god oh my god. I'm so sorry you saw that," I cried.

I was ready to crawl into a hole and die of embarrassment. There's no point to even work here anymore. He probably saw it and thought of how awful a person I am. How I was such a huge slut. But was he wrong?

"I just wanted to say that if you need someone to talk to I'm here for you," he placed a hand on my shoulder as an older sibling would. Not what I was expecting, but okay we could work with that.

While I'm sure he meant it to be caring it wasn't the sincere gesture I was hoping for. What would he say hey nice rack? That'd get him fired. Although, I would not be insulted by that compliment coming from him. Any other boy, like Sam, for instance, no chance there.

"Am I gonna get fired," I sniffled. I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes.

I didn't even think about what it could do for me and my job until now. Now that someone I worked with had seen it. Oh god, I hope none of our employees saw it. This just keeps getting better and better.

I didn't want to cry in front of him, but I couldn't help it. The video was starting to get overwhelming. Not to mention how everyone is bringing it up and they all know it's me. It left no room to pretend that it wasn't.

"Hey hey it's okay. It'll be okay. You're not going to get fired Desi,"  he assured me.

"Are you sure. I feel like such an idiot I'm so sorry I'm not usually like this," I blubbered.

"No you're not but we all have those days. Did you want to go home early? I'm sure Scar can finish the rest of your shift?"

"Oh no no it's fine. I'm okay," I straightened up. I wiped some tears away nodding my head.

"Are you sure?" He eyed me.

Ugh, why was he so nice? Maybe he had a girlfriend who builds houses for people in third world countries. He had never brought up a girlfriend so I really couldn't say. But if he had one, that would be the kinda girl he would date.

"Yeah I'll be okay," I gave him another reassuring nod."Thank you" I resist the urge to give him a hug, although I wanted to. I just didn't want it to be weird.

I guess I'll just have to start trying to get to the source. Whoever posted this video needs to take it down. I spent my break that night reporting every post of the video on Instagram. 22 videos to be exact.

Thankfully my dad let me take his car to work tonight. He took my car to the shop to get a new tire and it should be ready in a few days. He had a flight to catch today anyways. He was a pilot and was gone for a few nights at a time. At least that gave me a car to use until mine was fixed.

Usually, I took the fastest route home. Given the fact that it was always past midnight and I was ready to fall asleep standing up. Tonight though I felt like driving. I was wide awake which was surprising considering the day.

There was something relaxing about driving at night. It was peaceful. The world wasn't so busy getting to where they needed to be. It was when you really can appreciate the world. The world is always quieter at night. It was secretive. Magical almost.

I drove by all the familiar buildings. I even stopped by McDonald's to grab some fries. That was the worst part about getting off late, I was always hungry. So hungry that McDonald's smelt good. I just couldn't resist their salty fries.

I shoved more fries in my mouth and turned the radio up a little bit more. I let the melodic tunes wash my worries about the video and Gemma away. It would work itself out. It had to. Besides if it didn't maybe Drew would help with it. He still had some hold over Gemma. Maybe she would listen to him.

I drove by the boxing gym that should be closed by now. I don't go to it because I don't box, obviously. I always wanted to try it though. It seemed like fun, but I had no idea what to do. Plus I didn't want to make a fool of myself alone. Scarlett and Ashton wouldn't be caught dead there. Usually, the lights are shut off by now but tonight they were on. Interesting.

I slow my speed down to drive by. My curiosity always got the best of me. If I was in a horror film I'd probably be the first one to go because I'd follow the noise. I was just too curious for my own good.

As I passed by I noticed the familiar black Audi parked front and center. I almost didn't catch it except the license plate glimmered against my lights. I saw a shirtless tan figure dance back and forth in the building. Although I couldn't make out the face exactly it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know who it was.

So he boxed? That's interesting. What's most interesting is why was he doing it alone at one in the morning?


Hello there, 

I hope y'all are enjoying this so far! It's been super fun writing this new story! Keeping me busy during quarantine! 

Funny thing- Midnight Memories by One Direction came on as I was editing this chapter. (The chapter name was here when I first wrote the chapter). Thought someone might care about this little side note lol. 

Anyways.. Thanks so much for giving this story a chance! Let me know what you think! :) 

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