Why Do Feelings Exist

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"Des, wake up," was all I heard as a pillow slammed on my face.


"Okay okay enough," I growled sitting up. I stretched my arms overhead and rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes before opening them. "What are all of you guys doing in here?"

Ash and her big belly were sitting on my bed while Quinn and Tory stood on the side both holding pillows. They all were watching me as if I was a zoo animal

"Seriously what's going on? What happened?" I looked at Ash and my eyes grew wider. "Are you going into labor is it time?"

I jumped from my bed and ran to my closet. I threw on sneakers and grabbed a hoodie. I tried to throw on some sweats as I emerged from the closet but I somehow stumbled and fell to the floor.

"You're not going into labor huh?" I mumbled as I laid on a heap of my clothes.

"No dummy," she laughed at me. "Scarlett told us about what happened last night."


"So what are you going to do about it," Tory nudged me with her foot.

"Well I was going to talk to Drew some more but I know he doesn't want us there at the match."

"So when are you going to talk to him then?"

"I dunno tomorrow at school maybe?"


"Hey!" I grumbled.

"You're so stupid Desi," Quinn yelled.

"Do not start with me," I warned her.

"He wants you there," Quinn and Tory said at the same time.

"No, he doesn't!" I sat up and began to tie my hair up with the scrunchie I kept on my wrist. "Besides what am I supposed to even bring up?"

"Oh maybe how Nick was rude to him and you the entire night."

"Okay just because Scarlett told you what happened doesn't mean that you can sit there and act like you were there," I looked at both of them. "Besides I was planning on going to see him maybe tonight after the tournament ended," I said as a matter of fact.


"Stop hitting me!"

"You deserve it!"


"Because you need to stop being stubborn and go to his match and watch him win," Quinn shook me.

"Okay okay okay," I giggled. "Ash, you're pretty quiet over there what are you thinking?"

I watched her contemplate her words carefully. She shifted a little uncomfortably on my bed but eventually found a position good enough. Her eyes looked sad almost. She was hiding something I knew it but I also knew I couldn't press her. She wouldn't tell. I just wish I knew what it was.

"They're right Des, you should go and see him fight."

"He doesn't want me there though," I complained. I tried to tell hem how he wouldn't come with us to eat last night but they didn't care. 

"Yeah he does, he may not be upfront about it but he wants you there," she smiled to herself. "You know how guys are. They say one thing but mean the complete opposite." She snorted at the last part.

I looked at all of them before asking. "Will you help me get ready?" 

I didn't actually get full on ready. But we all crammed around my mirror and did our makeup together. The girls decided to go out and grab some things for the baby with Ash while I went to watch Drew.

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