Chapter 1

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Kacey POV-

It's 5 in the morning, I know what your wondering, why do you get up so early? It's simple I'm an omega.

This means I'm the lowest rank possible. Every morning I have to cook for everyone living in the pack house and clean everything up, I'm the only omega in this pack so I have to do it all by myself.

I've decided that I would make everyone something similar to a full English breakfast, just with more meat because they eat so much food compared to me, I only get one meal a day and most of the time it's something simple like a sandwich.

I've decided that I would make everyone something similar to a full English breakfast, just with more meat because they eat so much food compared to me, I only get one meal a day and most of the time it's something simple like a sandwich

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(Everyone's breakfast)

Once I had made sure there was enough food cooked for everyone, I looked at the clock and noticed it was only half past 7, school starts at half nine and only takes 20 minutes to walk there so I have plenty of time to get ready, but it's not like I do much.

I heard someone coming down, I noticed it was the alpha from the power radiating from him, so I bowed my head to show my submission, i heard him mutter something like 'filthy omega' when he passed me, but I kept my head down.

When everyone had come downstairs I quickly excused myself so I could start to get ready for school, when I was dressed I headed back downstairs, as i lived in the basement, everyone had already left so I went and did the washing up, without having anything to eat myself. I noticed it was around nine o'clock and I should set off soon, but I still had some washing up to do.

I decided to leave the washing up and head to school so I wasn't late, even though I know that I will get a punishment later for disobeying orders.

When I arrived at school I was immediately greeted by Aaron, who is next in line for alpha, standing next to my locker. I thought to myself 'this day is going to be hell.'

When I got to my locker I had my head bowed so I don't have to look him in the eyes, it's a rule for him, because he doesn't want to make eye contact with someone so weak and disgusting, his words not mine.

I've made the mistake of looking in his eyes before and he made my life hell for a month, he destroyed my work, ripped my clothes, poured things on me and beat me up, some of these things he has continued to do for years.

"Look who has arrived, a pathetic excuse of a wolf" I heard him verbalize, which made everyone around him laugh. I continued to look down and I was greeted by a powerful fist connecting to my face, knocking me back into my lockers.

By now I'm used to the pain, I know I shouldn't be, but I've become immune to it, after all it's been happening for years.

They all laughed and walked away as Aaron kicked me while I was huddling in a ball on the floor.

Once they had gone I knew it was okay to get up, when I got up I noticed everyone looking at me, some looked sympathetic, some looked angry and some looked happy about what just happened.

I got all of my things and headed to my first lesson.

By the end of the day I had been pushed into the lockers at least 3 times by Aaron. On the way back to the pack house some of Aaron's group passed me while making comments, which are extremely rude and inappropriate.

When I arrived at the house I was welcomed by an angry looking alpha.

"Why did you leave the washing up for other people to do this morning?" He shouted at me inches away from my my face.

"I'm sorry, I was going to be late for school" I whispered.

"That's not a good enough excuse, keeping the house clean is more important than your education, it's not like your going to need it anytime soon stuck here, as a punishment you will receive 50 lashes, go downstairs and remove your shirt and wait at the whipping post"

Immediately I followed my instruction, not wanting a worse punishment.

I stripped my shirt off, obviously I kept my bra and other clothes on. When he came down he tied both of my hands to a metal bar above my hand so i couldn't stop what was happening even if I wanted to.

When he had finished tying me up he walked over to the corner and grabbed the large whip, that was leaning against the wall, before actually starting to whip me he started to punch me in the stomach.

After he had finished punching me, he brought his arm behind his back and swung the whip towards my back.


Sorry if this book isn't the best, it's my first time writing a story including werewolf's and mates.

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