Chapter 16

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When text is underlined it means they are talking through mind links.

Alyssa POV-

I was in utter distraught looking at the scene in front of me. Cole was unrecognisable, his body mutilated in various ways, extensively covered by claw marks and bites, he clearly tried to put up a fight but was overpowered.

No one around was saying anything, probably thinking what sort of animal could do such a thing, to take someone away from their family and pack in such a harsh and painful way. Elsie came over to me and asked me to follow her to the abandoned building maybe 20 feet away from Coles rotting corpse.

On that building was a message "give me back what belongs to me" was what was wrote. You could tell by the strong smell of iron it was wrote in blood, probably not the attackers either, it's quite difficult to tell. Under the message was an image making me widen my eyes in shock, this is why it has to do with Kacey, I think to myself.

The image was of Kacey, granted she looked a little younger and healthier, but you can clearly tell it was her.

Who wants her?

Why do they want her?

These were all questions rushing through my head at a unimaginable speed.

I walk back to Elsie "Please can you inform Coles family, I have to go and talk to Kacey about this" in a slightly panicked manner. She immediately agreed to inform the family although it will be hard because she knows how important it is for me to talk to Kacey and figure out who would do such a thing.

I asked some of the pack members to clean up the area, taking much care into the preservation of Coles body, so it wouldn't get any worse that it already is. I also asked them to clean him up a little so if the family wants to see his body it would look as bad, so they won't get as upset from the visual.

Once I was done giving orders and getting everything sorted out, I headed straight towards the pack house not wanting to delay the conversation I was about to have.


When I arrived at the pack house I looked for her in the living room but was unable to find her.

"Where are you?" I asked through our personal mindlink.

She replied almost immediately saying "I'm in our bedroom, why?"

"Just stay there I need to ask you something"

I heard a faint okay, but wasn't really paying attention while sucking up to our room.

I swung the door open, making her jump off the bed and land face first on the floor from the sudden movement.

"I need to ask you something really important, you have to be honest with me okay" I told her in a serious manner.

"Okay I will" she replied.

"Late last night or early this morning one of the pack members was killed, there was a message wrote in his blood, it said 'give me back what belongs to me' with a picture of you when you were younger attached to it, do you have any idea who would do something like this?" I asked.

"I don't know who would want me, the people I have met before joining this pack have never been nice to me, or just don't talk to me so no one really likes me, so I don't know who would do such a thing"

"Have you ever been in a different pack to your old one?" I asked.

"No that's the pack I was in my whole life unfortunately" she said with a slight bit of fear being shown in her eyes.

"If that's the only pack you have been in or been associated with it must be them"

"But no one there liked me, all they did was insult me and abuse me, so why would any of them want me back, it's not like they wanted me there in the beginning"

"I don't know, but whatever happens your not going back to them alright"

"Okay" she manages to squeak out.

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