Chapter 5

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Alyssa POV-

"Elsie please may you bring the new person to my office please?"

"Yes alpha, we'll be there in a minute"

"Also what's her name do I can introduce myself properly?"

"Her name is Kacey, just to let you know she doesn't talk much so please don't think she's being rude"

"Thanks I'll keep that in mind"

After a few minutes my wolf became even more restless than before, I have absolutely no clue what is going on with her but I guess I'll have to wait and find out.

I heard a knock on the door, as I heard the knock I smell the cinnamon and nutmeg again, I really have to find out where that's coming from.

"Come in" I say in an authoritative tone.

When they step in I notice her, she had smooth, dry skin with small freckles sprinkled about like confetti. Her eyebrows curved in swooping arches over her eyes and her small button like nose completed her wide forehead and blunt chin.

These features would not turn heads, or make anyone look twice; they were normal, plain even. But her eyes were like the stars, the way they drew you in to explore the swirling emotion held in their depths. The black of her pupil was surrounded by a ring of jagged silver fire swallowed by sapphire blue. At one glance her eyes merely shone, but if you dared to look closer you could clearly see the sadness of heartbreak, the joy of love, the hope of the future, the pain of sorrow, and the fire of a spirit that would never give up.

As soon as she stepped in the room I hear my wolf say "mate" she must've noticed the same thing because she suddenly looked at me with uncertainty in her eyes.

"Elsie please may you step out of the room for a bit"

"Sure" she said while smirking, she's my best friend so I think she figured out what's going on.

"Hello" she said sadly once Elsie had left.

"Why are you sad"

"I don't want to be rejected, your going to reject me, why would an alpha want an omega as a mate, I was always told my mate will reject me, regardless of there rank because I'm worthless"

I walked up to her and lifted her chin so she was looking into my eyes "I'm not going to reject you, whoever told you that was wrong, to be honest, I've been looking for my mate for years"

She looked at me with hope filled eyes "your not going to reject me?"

"No I won't reject you" I said full of certainty.

"Elsie can you come back in please"

"One minute"

When she walked in she knew something had happened because I was smiling, I didn't usually smile because I felt lonely without my mate, now I have found her.

"Please can you get a room set up for Kacey next to mine"

"But that floors only for high ranking wolves" she said whole the corners of her mouth were lifting up.

"Please Elsie just listen to me for once"

"I wouldn't be your best friend if I didn't annoy you, and I'll get someone to set it up now" she said and walked out the room without me dismissing her, I shook my head and looked back to my mate.

She asked me "how old are you?"

I replied "23, you?"


"Oh your quite young"

"Not really, I'll be 18 soon"

We continued talking, not really getting to know each other, but we were getting an understanding about what each other were like.

I noticed she's very shy and didn't like to talk much, but if she wants to become my Luna she will have to work on that over time.

"Do you have anything to move to your new room?"

"I have a couple of things, I didn't have much to begin with"

"How come?"

"My last pack didn't let me go out for much except school, so I never had the chance to buy anything" I noticed she became very sad while we were taking about her old pack, so I decided to change the topic.

"Do you want me to get someone to bring you to your new room? So you can get settled in and know where to go"

"Yes please"


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