Chapter 25

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(Similar to what Hunters room looks like)

When text is underlined it means they are talking through mind links.

Alyssa POV-

When we arrive back to the house we get all of the new purchases and begin taking them up to Hunters room to put them away. I grabbed the large teddy and 3 bags of clothes, Kacey grabs the rest of the bags and Hunter carried his two other teddies while following us up the stairs.

When we arrived in his room Hunter opened his mouth wide and looked around the room.

"You like your room little man?" I asked him.

"I wove it fankyou" he said while hugging my legs, unable to reach any further up, making me smile.

For the next hour we were putting all of Hunters clothes away in his closet and showed him a little tour of the house so he knows where people are.

It's now about 8 in the evening so Hunter should be going to bed soon.

"Little man, it's bed time, you need to get changed into your pjs" I told him.

"Mummy help me?" He asked while pointing to Kacey who had her mouth wide open.

I answered back "yes mummy can help you" with a massive smile on my face.

While they were doing that I decided to put on a move so maybe Hunter will be able to get to sleep easier. I decided on finding nemo because it seems like a suitable choice and I don't actually know what sort of movies he likes.

When they came down Hunter looked so cute, he was in a pug onesie, which looked a little big on him, but at the same time made him look extremely adorable.

When they came down Hunter looked so cute, he was in a pug onesie, which looked a little big on him, but at the same time made him look extremely adorable

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(Hunters onesie)

"I've put a movie on for us to watch" I told them and they both just nodded, both looking as excited as each other making me shake my head.

I sat down next to Kacey on the couch while Hunter was just standing there awkwardly.

"What's wrong little man?" I asked him.

"Can I sit on your wap?" He asked me.

"Of course you can, you don't need to ask" I answered while lifting him up and letting him get comfortable.

Kacey pressed play on the tv and all eyes focused into the movie.

Halfway through the movie I noticed that Hunter had fell asleep in my lap while clutching part of the collar on my shirt.

"I'm going to go and put him to bed" I told Kacey through our mindlink not wanting to wake him up.

She just nodded and continued watching the movie that was on the screen.

I picked him up and he automatically wrapped him arms around my neck while still asleep as if not wanting to let go.

When we arrived in his room and I tried to put him into his bed he continued to keep ahold of me not letting me go. It took me at least 5 minutes to loosen his grip and actually get him into bed, when I did he immediately clutched into the large teddy bear that was at the other side of his bed.

I stroked his hair and kissed him on the forehead while whispering "Goodnight baby boy," then proceeded to walk out of his room leaving a slight crack in the door so he is able to leave when he wants.

I went into our room and got my pjs so I could put them on after I had had a shower.

When I was done and walked out into our room I noticed that Kacey was already asleep, she must've been worn out from all the shopping we had been doing today, I'm even a little tired form it.

I turned the light off and got into bed, I turned back towards the door hearing a slight creek form it.

I saw a small figure emerging from between the crack in the door, immediately recognising it as Hunter, I turned on the little lamp next to my bed so I am able to see him better and am able to notice that he had been crying for his red and puffy face.

"Why have you been crying?" I asked him softly.

"I had bad dweam, can I sweep with you pwease?" He told me.

"Of course come here" I told him whole opening my arms so I could grab him.

I placed him in between me and Kacey so he feels as safe as possible. I went to turn off the light and when I turned back I noticed that he had already fallen asleep, the dream he had must've drained him along with all the walking today aswell.

I turned into my side and wrapped my arm around both Hunter and Kacey before letting myself succumb to the darkness.


I might not be able to update for a week or two because I have nothing wrote to post and am struggling to write some more, sorry.


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