Sky City

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'After we received the letter, we spent most of that evening trying to figure out who wrote it. The handwriting was strange, like someone wrote it in a short amount of time. Normally we'd get letters from our commanders, but their writing was neat and organized. This writing was quick and sharp, unlike anyone we knew.

My first thought was that it was the enemy. Obviously, they were trying to lower our guards and make us more vulnerable. I told my camp that we should prepare for attacks. It had to be a trick, right? Well, it wasn't going to work. We all prepared and suited up, but by the time the sun went down nobody arrived. We were all standing around like idiots.

Eventually, we did see someone not from our camp. But it wasn't an enemy. He seemed like a lost person who stumbled upon a battlefield. I was told to redirect him away from here, so I went to him and told him to steer clear of our camp. He laughed at me and told me something I'll never forget.

"I slaughter hundreds for you and this is how I'm thanked?"

His words sent chills down my spine. His face was hidden by a hood, but he pulled it down to show me. Bright eyes pierced my very soul. They glowed red and dangerous, shaking me to my core. He brought his hood down again and walked straight through me.

When I went back to my camp, I found them all dead. And there he was, standing among the bodies of my brothers.

He said, "I am not the trespasser here."

I fled. When I made it back home, nobody believed me. But I know what I saw.'

You closed the book. Placing it down next to you, you sighed. You looked up at the night sky filled with stars. You wanted to sleep, but the thought of doing so was stressful. For some reason, it didn't sit well with you that you were almost to Sky City. It felt like you were missing something important.

You laid on the ground facing the sky. You tried to find the North Star, but you couldn't see it. Maybe you were facing south. You turned on your side. Grass tickled your arms. You laid the side of your face against the ground.

"I don't think it's safe for you to sleep out here" a voice called.

You looked up at Steve who came from the tent. He sat down next to you and you grunted. He gave you a curious look.

"I'm scared." You said.

"Of what?" He asked.

"Of going to Sky City."

"Are you having second thoughts?"

"No. I'm just scared. I want to go, but it feels wrong somehow. I don't wanna meet new people or have to smuggle Herobrine into the city or read this book. I don't wanna do anything."

"Maybe you should sleep."

"Yeah. Maybe you're right..."

He laid down next to you, his face towards yours. You stared into his blue eyes and felt a stab of sadness. You almost wanted to turn away.

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" Steve asked.

"I don't know. Maybe I just...need sleep, like you said."

"I think it'll be easier to think once you're fully rested. Come on."

He sat up and offered his hand to you. You took it and he led you back to the tent. Herobrine was inside, still sleeping. You took a spot next to him and stared at his relaxed face. Steve took a spot next to you and patted your back. You felt safe lying down in between them.

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