Light A Fire

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'It's not too late to turn back.'

'I'm not turning back.'

The moon was high in the sky. You felt the fatigue slow your legs down, but you refused to stop. The only thing keeping you awake was Herobrine's voice.

'This is stupidly dangerous. You can't possibly make it to the Aether by yourself.'

'Entity said I could. So I'm going to.'

'I know I said Entity tends to tell the truth, but what he doesn't understand is limits. I think this is pushing it too far for you.'

'All I have to do is get to the Aether and find you. I'm not gonna pass this opportunity up to search for a portal that may not exist.'

Your thoughts were determined, but you still felt a panic in your heart. Even though you were no closer to the Aether than before, you felt like your heart would burst from your chest. You kept taking deep breaths, but the excitement shook your body like a cold chill.

'The Aether is dangerous. The Gods live there. Are you even prepared to meet a God?'

'I've met the Lesser Gods and they weren't so bad. Well, the Elder is a bit aggressive. Still, it shouldn't be unreasonable to talk to them, right?"

'I'm not sure they're ones for talking. They're not like the Lesser Gods.'

'I have to try.'

You passed a hill and over a shallow river. There was no wind or the sound of anything else living. There was only silence and the sound of your footsteps.

'I still think you need to go back.'

'I can't now. I don't know how I'd be able to bring them along.'

Herobrine didn't respond. You sighed and kept moving, knees slightly shaking. Everything felt so strange. It was like when you were alone for the first 3 years of travelling. It was difficult to survive for so long with what you had, but you made do. Even now, after all the time you spent travelling with others, you were still afraid of the same things. You were still afraid of failure.

Eventually, your legs ran out of steam. You were far away from the tent now, but you still worried about being found missing. You didn't want to worry Alex and Steve, but you knew you had to go alone. You sat on the ground, hidden by a tree. You hugged your bag close to you like a pillow. You were so tired, yet you still couldn't sleep.

'You don't have to go alone.'

'How else am I supposed to find you? This could be my one chance. It'll be okay. I'll be fine. It has to be fine.'

You bowed your head. You wanted to feel hopeful, but a looming dread hung over you. There was an air of finality to the night, like something was coming to an end. You tried to shake it off, but couldn't.

Shivering, you clutched your bag closer.

'You could make a fire.'

You nodded and got up, legs shaking. You picked up some fallen twigs from around the tree, bundling them under your arm. It felt so long since you did this by yourself. It felt so long since you saw the glowing eyes in the forest.

As you placed the wood down, you tried to create heat. Unfortunately, your fingers were cold and it was hard to handle the sticks. Every time you tried to twist them together, you'd drop them or they'd snap. Frustration built inside of you until you threw a stick far away from you. You kicked the tree in anger, but you were still cold.

The Heart of a God - a Minecraft Herobrine x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now