Chapter 14

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Jungkook heart was erractically beating faster, his eyes darting here and there searching for the petite pale male that goes name with taehyung.....his omega.

That is missing.

It's almost midnight, means four hours he's been searching for him non-stop. His stomach had the very bad feeling, his instinct is warning him telling him something is not right. His alpha wolf was in high alert, fearing his omega's safety.

He's scared.

Where's taehyung? Where can he go at this hour? Why would he go? He never goes out of the house since so long. What should he do? Where will he search for him?

These are the questions flooding in his mind almost blowing his mind out at the worry. Plus his instinct is giving him a strong signal to have his omega protective into his arms.

He fisted his shirt on his chest where his heart is. He feels the sudden panic. Something is not good. His omega is in danger, He can feel it.

He need to get him in the safety of his protective arms before something happens to him. He will never forgive himself if anything happened to taehyung.

He needed to find him.....but where?!

He grab his head in frustration, pulling his hair standing in the middle of nowhere. "Ahhhhhh!"

He shouted in worry and fear.

"Where are you taehyung?! Please be save"

His heart is thumping loudly in his chest. He can't scent him, he can't feel his presence, he can't feel the bond that he closed long before but again open it to search him. But he can't do it. He can't feel it.

"What should i do?!"

"My fault, all my fault! If i just talked to him instead of ignoring him at home, he would've been at home. Safe and secure" he was running here and there murmuring to himself.

"He's hurt because of me.....again! My fault!"

"My fault! All my fucking fault!!" He fell on his knees at the hard floor of the road. Bending down grabbing his hair shouting. His eyes were teary, he can feel it something is wrong with his omega. But he can't find him. There's no way he can see to find him. He's in danger and he can't do anything about that.

"Useless! Fucking useless!!" Is what he's feeling.

He look up at the sky, hoping for someone out there listen to his please. Tears slowly running down his cheeks.

"Please save him.......Protect him Moon goddess....if you are listening to me, please show me the way to find him....i beg you"

The strongest trueblood alpha is crying, for the first time. Begging someone for the first time. Just for his omega's safety.

"I beg my baby......." he howl in despair.

" omega, protect him. Don't let anything bad happen to him, p-please" he cried desperately finding any sign that lead him to his omega taehyung.

"Help me"



That's what he's feeling after so long. He don't know where he's going but just letting his feet to take him anywhere, anywhere where he can find some peace. Something to bind this broken piece of himself.

He's tired, so so tired. He tried to control his emotions and his heart and he successfully did for four years but today....

Today when jungkook call his name so gently, tried talking to him with soft voice instead of his cold one, his eyes holding warm feeling instead of his usual blank face. His stupid and pathetic heart and self decided to again rose a fake hope just to crushed it painfully.

Why?! Why he still thought that jungkook and him have chance...why can't he leave him for good.

But he can't even if he want to. Pathetic.

He was so into his feeling and thoughts he didn't feel the another presence following him for a while now, just looking for a right time to show himself.

And he did when taehyung feets dragged him further into the forest without his knowledge that where he's going or what danger following him.

"Would you look at it" he whistled, eyes on his ass.

Taehyung halt in his steps, heart thumping when he finally feel the other presence behind him. He panicked.


His breath hitched when he look at his surrounding, tress and the dark sky and the deep forset. He curse under his breath. He was so into his pathetic life that he forgot where he was going.

He turned around slowly, looking at the tall and strong alpha looking at him with lust filled eyes.

"Woah! Such a beautiful one. What a luck i have here." He smirked, releasing his pheromones.

Taehyung whimpered when the alpha hormones filled the air making him force to submit. His scent filling the alpha's nose. Taehyung was so into his thought and broken by jungkook behaviour he didn't realize his scent lose control over himself. All broke lose. That's what happened.

Everything open on his own, he lose control over the restriction he made and his scent fill the air, the bond he close before open without his knowing plus he was omega with sad hormones alone in the middle of the night making the hungry alpha roaming around lusting over him.

Hungry Alpha took a step towards him taehyung backwards whimpering trying to break free from the dominance the alpha was throwing at him forcing him to submit to him.

Plus there's no alpha scent on taehyung that showed him that he's mated making the situation worse.

"I will make you mine omega" he sing song, smirk never leave his face.

Taehyung tried running although his legs were shaking at the dominance and utter fear. He still use all his power in him left an turned to run but...

"Submit to me, omega!" Heard the alpha voice of the male and just like that he fell on his shaking leg on the dirty grass and look down on his lap at utter submission.

He has no one to save him from this, no one in the dark night of the this submitted state he didn't realize how his wobbling lips left the plead to the name of the one who he knows don't even care to realize that he's in danger and in need of him.

" me"


Oooh! Intense.
I 💜 U


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