Chapter 54

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Read the note at the end, it's the information about my new upcoming book.


"Are you alright?" [ I'm not, Lol :) ]

Jungkook asked Taehyung after he tucked both of the pups into their soft beds under the warm fluffy blankets. He walked towards his mate who's body was slouched against the couch.

Taehyung hummed in response eyes still closed and head resting on the back of the couch.

He sat beside him on the sofa and pull the omega close to his body by his arm. Taehyung gasps at the action and look up at the frowning alpha.

Jungkook smile down at the wide eyed wolf and sneak his another arm around his small waist while the other was curl on Taehyung's shoulder gently.

Taehyung sighed at the curruption of wild tingles on his body upon his alpha's soft warm touch and scoots his small delicate body more closer to his strong buff one, contented at the opposite match.

"Your body is slightly warm" Jungkook commented when he noticed the abnormally warm temprature of his mate.

"I don't know what's even happening to me! I should be able to handle Jungoo but this weird feeling of sadness and sudden deep pain! I have no idea where it's coming from! It's frustrating me so much!" Taehyung hissed in sudden anger and irritation, brows frowning in annoyance.

Jungkook shushed him as his big hand went to his silky brown hair, stroking it gently to soothy the disturb omega.

Taehyung nuzzle his whole face in Jungkook's cloth chest, his lower lip wobbling in sadness.

"I'm sorry i had to call you this urgently, I know I should be able to handle it alone and not disturbed you, it's not even that big of a deal. I'm used to his tantrums but I just-just couldn't do it. I am sorry" Taehyung whimpered out in shame and Jungkook quickly tighten his arms around him pulling the omega flushed to him.

Taehyung was now straddling his thighs, clutching to the fabric of Jungkook's shirt in his fist as he whimpered.
"I am sorry for being so useless"

Jungkook frowned deepened, his omega is too sensitive to be normal right now from the way he showed himself so vulnerable infront of Jungkook, whimpering and trembling while apologizing for something he don't have any control.

"Tae, it's okay. Stop calling yourself something you're not even close to, besides Jungmin is my son too so it's my responsiblity too to take care of him." Jungkook bent his head down slightly to whisper it in Taehyung's ear.

"Just because you're an omega doesn't mean you're obliged to perform all the responsibilities of a pup, it's equal between us" Taehyung sniffled listening to the soothing deep voice of his mate who's long fingers massaging his scalps so gently and skillfully that it made him sighs in content.

"You're doing such a great job at taking care of two pups all day when I'm on the company and don't take this too lightly, it's a big thing." Jungkook nudge his nose behind Taehyung's ear while his eyes were closed, he continued.

"So if one day you gets tired of it and needs a rest for a while it doesn't make you useless, it's normal and totally understandable" Taehyung look up slightly making Jungkook leaned his head back a bit to look at his face.

Jungkook caressed his cheek smiling adoringly when Taehyung lean into his hand like a sad puppy.
"You're such a responsible mother for Jungmin, Taehyung and even Taegguk too. You gave him the love and affection his real parents couldn't, you took care of him so gently even when it's not yours."

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