Chapter 18

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A week, one week after that dreadful night for both, jungkook and taehyung. In which jungkook didn't see taehyung at all. He locked himself in a guest room and never came out of it. Only when he feel jungkook is not at home or when he needs to made a food for his pup. He never talk or see jungkook.

And jungkook always knock on his door or stays there the whole night leaning against the side wall of the door sitting at floor and just muttering loads of apologies again and again. Asking for forgiviness and begging for a chance. Tears leaving his eyes wetting the floor with its drops making a tiny pool of their own.

Because he can't bear the pain and saddness that's coming from their bond, from taehyung. He already have his own pain and guilt that's hard to handle and feeling what taehyung is feeling is doubling the regret.

Taehyung never let him involve in a bond, because he also wasn't interested first but now when taehyung open up the bond and his wolf, everything came like a landslide and forcing him in it's fall under it, saffocating him to the core he can't seems to breath normally.

But he deserved it.

He always says himself when he feels it's too much to handle. He deserve every fucking pain he gave to his precious taehyung. He deserved it after making him gone through alot. He deserve taehyung ignorance and his cold attitude towards him, he deserve it when taehyung never reply to his pleading through their bond, he deserve it that taehyung is not accepting his apologies.

What did he thought? That he will say sorry after all that he did to taehyung and taehyung will jump on his arms and forgive him? How delusional he was to think he even deserve an apology.

His pride and ego never let him see through his actions. He never see how much taehyung was going through and how much he needed him. He even fucking denied to please him on his first heat! how much it would've effect him. What was he thinking?! He was an omega he must have needed him so much and he became so heartless that he refused to hear his whimpers in their bond. He fucking blocked him from invading his mind because he was doing some useless project?! Why?!

Now what?! Where is his pride as trueblood alpha?! Where is the ego?! He is fucking begging for forgiveness from the omega. Why did he even do that? It wasn't taehyung's fault. There was no fault of his. It was his own fault that he thought about his past and let this play with his mind. He was so into his past that he forgot to live in a present! He was so hurt from his past that he didn't see any future with taehyung. He was living in a past and it's his fault.


Jungkook stood up from the floor infront of the room taehyung is staying more like locking himself. He was yet again pleading taehyung to open the door but that didn't happen. It was mid-night now he for a week was spending his night at the door of taehyung. He atleast feel his presence and that's enough for him to be contented for now. So he always sleep there till morning came.

He was feels thirsty and can't sleep because of the hard floor like everynight and the pain in his chest won't let him close his eyes because he always sees the hurt and pain face of taehyung which ended up making him to another crying mess of regret.

He went into the bathroom first to wash his tear stain face, he look up to his reflection and sees his blood shot eyes filled with dullness and sadness. He sigh and wipe his face, can't see his own reflection for that long and went towards the kitchen to drink the water. His throat dried as hell and a lump never leave his thraot. He painfully gulped down the water in his throat.

When he hear the door creaked. His eyes instantly shot up. He heard the creaked of someone stepping on the stairs.


He must have felt that jungkook is gone to his room finally, so he came out of the room. But why he's going upstairs? Jungkook slowly follow him to see taehyung was entering their pup's room, Jungmin.

Jungkook's room well their room but since taehyung is not staying. Anyways, their room is right by their pup side so that's why taehyung didn't notice the scent that's lingering. He thought jungkook is in his room.

He reached the door that was slightly open to see taehyung was sitting by their pup sleeping small figure, Caressing his hair and smiling faintly.

Taehyung kissed jungmin's forehead softly, lovingly caressing his cheeks and hair. Looking at his face longingly and adoringly.
"Mama loves you so much, my sunflower" he whispered almost unadioubly but jungkook heard it, his scenses are higher than anyone.

Taehyung kissed his pup cheeks, softly pecking his nose. Jungmin stir in his sleep but lean into the warm hand sighing in relief and contentment. Taehyung smile happily seeing his adorable pup loving his warmth. He longs to hold him tightly in his arms without scaring his sunflower.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm such bad mama to you. Forgive your mama, he's very sorry." He got tears in his eyes. He wants to tell his pup how much he loves him. How much his heart longs to hold him. To kiss him and cuddle him.

"Please don't be scared of m-me, mama loves you" he cried silently kissing his pups little hands lovingly then placing it on his own teary cheek.

Jungkook walk away from there, wiping the tear that form in his eyes. He will give taehyung what he wants, what he longed for. Their pup.

Maybe then some of his regret went down, even a little bit is fine. It's too much. Won't go away even he beg for forgiveness all his life.


This story is getting longer, i thought to make it atleast 10 to 12 chapter book but we are at 18th chapter and there's still alot left to write. *sigh*

(Rip my 'short story' thought)

Welp, hope you liked\(^o^)/


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