Growing Closer

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After your near collision, Buck started bringing coffee up to the dispatch center. It was then you learned that not only did his sister work at the same center, but you were also friends with her.

He would bring coffee up unexpectedly and it always brightened your day. Sometimes he would even bring you coffee when Maddie wasn't working.

When he knew your exact coffee order, you were shocked and asked him how he knew what you liked. Turns out, after you left the coffee shop that first day he asked the employee what you ordered so he knew you would enjoy the coffee he brought you.


You had offered to watch your niece more as you enjoyed your time at the park. You would occasionally run into Eddie and chat with him while the kids played.

He suggested you guys make a play date instead of randomly bumping into them at the park since the kids got along so well together.

You continued to get the kids together for play dates whenever you could, you enjoyed spending time with them.


After your alarm kept going off, you were going to wait till the next day to grab a new one. Later that day Bobby showed up at your door with a new detector. He even installed it for you. You offered him a drink and talked the rest of the night.

You guys would occasionally meet up for drinks or a light meal just to talk, you always looked forward to seeing him.


He came by your work a few days after your appointment with him. He gave you a box of candy as a thank you and told you he thought you were his good luck charm.

You were about to go off shift so you walked out with him and ended up grabbing lunch. You exchanged numbers and agreed to keep in touch. You texted almost every day.

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