First Kiss

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You two were just getting back from the botanical gardens and you couldn't help but think that it was the perfect first date.

"Thank you for an amazing night" you said your hand still gently in his.

"It was only amazing because you made it amazing" he smiled at you placing a hand on either side of your face and rubbing your cheeks lightly with his thumbs.

"Evan?" You started lightly before he cut you off.

"Are you going to be mad if I kiss you right now?" He asked seriously with a hopeful look.

"Not in the slightest" you smiled pulling him a little closer to you.

"Thank God" he laughed before pulling your face to his and meeting your lips for a gentle, passionate kiss.


You both were wandering trying to finish your ice cream. You thought for a second before you grabbed Eddie's hand and lightly pulled him to a stop.

"What's wrong?" He turned to you concerned.

"This isn't weird to you right?" You asked seriously.

"Why would it be weird?" He asked gently rubbing your hand.

"Like it being just us? Without the kids"

"This is perfect. Just us, without the kids" he smiled at you sincerely.

He reached his fingers out and gently wiped some ice cream that was on your lips off and smiled at you.

Before you could stop yourself you reached your hand behind his head and brought his lips to yours. The kiss was simple, sweet and caring.


After your first date you had made plans to go out the next weekend. You got completely ready just in time for him to knock on the door.

You ran excitedly to the door and opened it to his smiling face. He didn't say a word, he took a step towards you and tangled his lips with yours.

"I couldn't wait any longer to do that" he laughed.

"I'm so glad you didn't" you chuckled taking his hand.


It was the end of your second date. You were walking to the car after dinner when you felt him slip his arm around you.

"Frozen yogurt?" He smiled at you.

"Hmmm, I could be ok with that" you joked.

His smile widened and he took you by surprise when he pulled you closer to him and gently placed a kiss to your lips.

You smiled widely and lightly touched your lips in shock.

"So, chocolate?" He smiled with a light laugh.

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