When They Meet Your Friends

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He instantly gets along with your friends. By the end of the night he's making jokes, laughing and talking with everyone like he had known them forever. It made your heart happy he got along with them so well. Your friends thought you were perfect together.


He took some time to feel comfortable with your friends. It wasn't for a lack of trying, he just wanted everything to go well. Eventually everyone warmed up to each other and got along great. Your friends loved him and were happy you found him.


He was nervous, very nervous. It wasn't until he started talking to your friends that he calmed down a bit realizing they would get along perfectly. He did what he did best and made sure you and everyone else was taken care of and comfortable. Your friends thought you guys were adorable together and loved his nurturing side he showed towards you.


At first he tried a tad too hard. Once he got more comfortable and realized he didn't have to try so hard everything fell into place. Everyone got along amazing, his nerves were eased and your friends thought the two of you complimented each other well.

Requested by: @ForensicGirl99

(I hope this is what you were looking for😂)

Thanks for requesting! ❤️❤️❤️

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