chapter Three

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"You know what your problem is? you're smart, too smart. you overthink because your mind moves at a million times a minute and you're sad because you are not fooled by the world like anyone else"

Chapter 3

The fresh air outside did nothing to calm my nerves as we headed in the direction of his car.

My heart beat wildly in my chest, and I wondered if I was making the right decision.

I mean, forget the fact that he was hotter than hell. He might be a kidnapper or a psycho for all I know.

Images of him cutting up my body parts and discarding me in a sack flowed through my mind,but all those thoughts flew away when I felt his warm hand on my bare back.

"My penthouse, is not far from here, let's go there?"

I started freaking out silently, am I really about to do this? I wasn't the kind of girl that saves her virginity for her wedding night,I just kept myself for the right guy.

Is he the right guy?

His voice snapped me back to reality "What are you thinking so hard about?"


I'm sure he noticed my distress because his face softened "Hey, If your not sure about doing anything with me I won't force you,ok?"

I just nodded "Are you going to drive in this state? We're both kinda tipsy right now."

"I'm not drunk enough to not know what I'm doing"

My stomach growled loudly at that moment and he gave me an amused smile.

"Let's go get some food?"

I didn't waste time nodding,food was always a welcomed phenomena in my life.

"Ok,let's go"


We arrived at one of his many hotels,and he led me up to his penthouse, well more like drunkenly staggered to his penthouse.

I wasn't drunk enough to not notice the sheer beauty of his house.

A mixture of brown,light brown and white making his home look cozy and warm ,dark brown couches with light brown pillows sprawled around.

"Wow, your house is beautiful"


I noticed the lack of pictures on the wall, but I didn't comment on it.

I heard the doorbell ring.

"That must be room service."

They served us a beautiful looking lasagna dish and some red wine, which looked delicious.

I almost moaned when I took a bite, it made me realize just how hungry I was.

We ate mostly in silence and an idea came to my head.

"Do you want to play twenty questions?"

He seemed amused "What's that?"

"It's a game people play to get to know each other."

He smiled boyishly "Ok, I'd love to know you better."

Luckily I held back my blush at that statement and cleared my throat "So,what your best color?"

"Blue." He said automatically.


He laughed "What's your best food?"

"Uh..I don't really know, poutine?

"Me too." He said with a boyish grin.

I looked around and spotted the bare walls of his house "Why don't you have any pictures on the walls?"

Ivy's Ever After [Completed]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz