Chapter Thirteen

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"The fault in our Stars"

Chapter Thirteen

My hands shook as I reached out to take the third box of Kleenex tissues.

Liv passed it to me as tears ran down her cheeks.

I slumped back on the couch, tears running down my face as we watched The fault in our Stars.

This was honestly one of the saddest movies I've ever watched.

The most heartbreaking scene for me was when her mother said 'I don't want to be a mother anymore' when hazel was newly diagnosed.

Liv turned to look at me, her eyes sad, "Don't make me watch this again"

More tears ran down her face and she stretched her hand out for the box of Kleenex.

"You offered" I shrugged still wiping my tears, I handed her the box.

I was about to read the book for the 5th time when she offered that we could watch it instead.

"I didn't want you to cry alone, but I didn't expect it to hit this hard" she said sniffling.

Truthfully,I always shed a few tears whenever I read the book so I thought it would be the same with the movie.

But no ,this just hits differently, the movie had me full on crying with the snot, heart wrenching sobs and everything.

It had me hugging my pillow for comfort.

The part where Gus's cancer came back really broke my heart.

I'd really wished for him not to die and for a miracle to happen,even though I practically knew each detail of the book and the fact that he still died.

The movie made it seem all the more real and sadder than ever.

Frankly It served it's purpose in distracting me and making me forget momentarily about kissing Javier.

After I'd walked out of the elevator, I didn't have a choice but still head to the meeting.

Throughout the meeting I'd just avoided his eyes, and sat there awkwardly.

I still went to lunch with Axel, he asked after Aiden a lot. It was as though 4 years hadn't passed. We were still every bit as close as we were 4 years ago.

I was glad that I had at least one close friend at work.

Once it was 4pm I practically ran out of the company, already dreading going to work the next morning.

Even Aiden noticed how flustered I was when I went to pick him up. I just steered his attention off my condition by bribing him with hamburgers.

On the other hand....

Liv was so excited about it and she didn't let me breath until I told her every single detail.

I rolled my eyes,she could have as well asked me what the color of the buttons on his suit was.

"I thought you hated him too!"

"I do" she'd said

"Why do you look happy about this then?"I'd asked suspiciously

She'd just shrugged and continued cooking.

Hence my choice to read The fault in our Stars because I knew it'd distract me from going crazy

And here we are now bawling our eyes out, I was sure to have puffy eyes tommorow.


The next few weeks were quite busy, with preparations for the upcoming event hosted by the company for it's anniversary.

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