Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter seventeen

I was never the kind of person who panicked easily.

I didn't panic when I found out I was pregnant.

I didn't panic when I had complications during pregnancy.

I didn't panic this much when my Dad was diagnosed, I was just filled with dread.

But this..this is on another level.

For a moment i couldn't even move to help him, i just stood there, my brain going into overdrive.

I was still in shock watching him on the floor, struggling to breath. He desperately reached out for something,what it was, I couldn't figure out.

I snapped out of it and rushed to his side, kneeling beside him. He was trashing desperately on the floor like he was struggling to breath.

I desperately searched for what he was trying so hard to reach.

I opened the drawers, frantically searching.

I spotted something.

An inhaler.

I grabbed it and handed it to him.

He tried desperately to get his breath back ,he was wheezing and gasping for breath.

I dropped to the floor and tried my best to calm him down.

I cradled his head in my arms, running my hand through hus hair, I'd never felt so scared for someone like I did at that point.

I felt something wet on my face, I didn't even realize I was crying all these while.

When he finally stopped gasping for breath, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

After a while, which felt like hours, of trying to get him on the bed, I collapsed next to him.

He fell asleep almost immediately his head touched the pillow, probably because of the alcohol.

He looked so beautiful while sleeping,his lashes fanned his cheek, he looked at peace.

Even in his sleep he managed to make me feel flustered.

I closed my eyes for a moment trying to take in all that just transpired.

Javier was asthmatic.

I was honestly shocked,and I realized sadly that I didn't even know that important detail. I was supposed to know I was his PA after all.

I just stared at him, feeling  overwhelmed by today's drama.

His question from earlier came to my mind. Why do I hate him?

I shook my head, trying to forget everything for now.

I didn't want to think about our past or anything for once. I just wanted a clear head.

I closed my eyes , relishing the feeling of laying beside him. Pathetic right?

I mean, I was supposed to hate this guy, and now....I don't think I even have an ounce of hatred inside me anymore.

I just wanted to free myself for once, free myself from the burden of hating someone.

This scared me because it meant I was breaking down my walls, leaving myself vulnerable.

On other hand ,it would be good to come to  a truce with myself, because no matter what, he was still Aiden's father.

They were going to meet sooner or later, so I had to make peace with myself over him


I snuggled deeper into the bed, sighing happily.

This was the best sleep I've had in a while. The bed felt so comfortable and warm, and i felt  Aiden's leg was poking my butt.

I reached behind me to remove his leg.


This isn't Aiden's leg

It was too soft to be Aiden's leg, i held it tighter tracing it to know what it was.

I heard a grunt behind me, very near my ear and i felt my stomach somersault.



I'm in Javier's bed!

I felt his arm pull closer, I didnt notice it before but his arm was sprawled on my waist.

I was too shocked to move.

A feeling of mortification dawned on me, when i came to realize what I was holding in my hands.

I squealed and kicked Javier out of the bed.

He landed with a loud thud and a grunt.

I quickly stood up from the bed,noticing that i was in a large white shirt that barely covered my butt.

I almost screamed, but calmed myself the best i could.

"Where are my clothes?!"

Javier poked his head from the other side of the bed, looking hungover but still as  hot as ever.

He groaned rubbing the his shoulder,which i presumed hit the floor.

He raked his eyes over my legs making me blush.

"Javier, where are my clothes!"

He pointed to a chair, where my gown was draped, looking rumpled.

I racked my brain trying to remember if anything happen between us yesterday.

"Nothing happened" He said as if he knew what i was thinking.

His voice sounded husky and deep at once a very nice combination. He sounded so good, and looked just as good whereas I was sure I looked like a bus had ran me over.

I cleared my throat "So how come I'm wearing your shirt?" My voice was very calm now, not depicting my inner turmoil.

He turned to me, looking a little bit amused, at the same time showing me his naked chest

My perverted side quickly took in the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt, my mouth watered. My eyes traveled all over his chest and i noticed a tattoo.

My heartbeat accelerated when i realized what it was.

I was far away from him, across the bed but i could still make out the name.


What was my name doing on his chest? I mean, why would he tattoo my name on his chest?

He quickly wore a shirt, covering the tattoo.

He looked skeptical when his eyes met mine.

I couldn't still get over the fact that my heart always skipped a beat whenever we clocked eyes.

"You slept like the dead, so i figured you'd be uncomfortable in your gown". He scratched his head sheepishly.

"So you chamged me?"

"Yeah,I didn't look though"

I suddenly felt suffocated ,i needed to get out of there to figure all these new information out.

Like ,why the hell a tattoo of my name is on his chest?

Authors note

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How is quarantine?

Q_Whats your favorite paranormal Novel on Wattpad?

A_Mine is Cupid's match for now!

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