Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

I sat on the toilet bowl, trying to digest what Javier just told me.

I'd bolted out of his study, needing some space to myself.

A lone tear escaped my eyes when I recalled his words, "I rushed out to see my Dad at 6am when I heard he collapsed. When he was finally stable I called Jordan to tell him that I needed extra clothes to stay the night in the hospital since my mom was away in Spain for an event.

"Jordan said he was out of town and he couldn't go ,he offered to send Elena. I didn't think anything of it " his voice broke when he turned to look at me."She was obsessed with me and she probably noticed from the note I left that you were different to me, different from other girls I played around with. She probably noticed that I actually cared for you. But still, I  never knew she'll would've done such a thing, I never knew she'd sabotage my life like this" he shook his head in disbelief.

I couldn't believe Elena exchanged the note he left for me  and even added money just to make me hate him and feel like a whore. What kind of wicked prank was that? Why would she do that? She didn't even know me.

The anger I felt towards Elena increased 100 fold and I started to shake angrily, tears now spilling down my face.

I leaned heavily on the toilet bowl for support.

I'd wasted four years hating someone that didn't deserve it.

I deprived my son of the chance to have a father, all because I believed some silly prank.

I took away the chance of seeing Aiden grow up and take his first step , his first tooth, I took all of that away from Javier.

All because of some stupid obsession Elena had.

All because I'd been so naive and emotional and...young to think straight.

I felt nauseous, I started hyperventilating and I felt the beginnings of a panic attack.

I wanted it to stop, I wanted everything to stop.

I put my hands over my ears and closed my eyes tightly.

I wished I could just disappear.

Disappear into a black hole and never come back.

Why did life have to be this complicated?

Why couldn't i just have a free non_complicated life.

I thought about Aiden, I didn't even realize I was muttering "I'm so sorry" over and over again.

I sobbed quietly my head in my hands.

Little by little it turned into wails but I tried to suppress with my fist in my mouth.

I heard a knock on the door but I ignored it.

Javier had actually  looked for me,he never forgot, everything had actually meant something to him.

I sobbed  harder as I recalled his words.

"When I finally came back three weeks later. I was so disoriented when I couldn't find you. I looked everywhere I could, using all the clues I had, I was devastated when I didn't find you."

I didn't even have an answer for him anymore, I was so ashamed.

The woman who was kicked out of his office was his crazy ex who was obsessed with him and had  tried to trap him into fathering another man's child.

I'd believed rumors and senseless gossip.

Words couldn't even begin to explain how I felt when I'd realized how the man before me was completely innocent and blameless.

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