Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14

"Ouch" I groaned as I hit the floor with a loud thud, the blankets rolled around me.

I rolled around a little wrapped up in the blankets, there was just something about lying on the bare floor that soothes me.

I stood up with a gasp when I realized today was the d_day. The day of the event and I was Javier's date.

I felt angry at myself for feeling so happy to be his date. I had to keep on reminding myself that the soft and charming exterior he was showing me now, was just because he wants to get into my pants again.

I could try to be civil with him I guess?

Because I planned to tell him about Aiden soon,and  I wouldn't like my oh so observant son noticing my hatred for him. Even though I wasn't sure it was hatred anymore.

That thought scared me, I can't fall for him all over again, I can't get broken all over again, I had to remain strong for Aiden.

I headed to Aiden's room to wake him up, it was already 10am and on a Saturday. We always go to the park on Saturday.

"Aiden, are you awake?" I opened the door to an empty bed. I was about to close it and head downstairs to look for him when I heard a tiny giggle in his room.

I scanned the room and I spotted Aiden hiding behind his curtains.
I entered the room "Hmm..I wonder where he might be"

A melodious giggle followed by shuffling of feet and swaying of the curtain.

I stood in front of the curtain "I wonder where my handsome boy is?" I wondered out loud, smiling when I heard him trying to muffle another laugh.

"BOO!" I shouted and opened the curtain at the same time. He screamed and jumped into my arms.

"Hey, Addie"

"Mom,how did you find me?"

He said, peering up at me innocently, that was the only thing Javier didn't possess, innocence.

Apart from that they were identical, eerily so.

"I used my laser eyes"

"Wow! Mom you have laser eyes?"

"Yeah" I said with an amused chuckle.

"Can I get one too?"

"Ok, I'll buy you one from the mall tommorow ok?"

He bounced excitedly "You'll let me go with you right?"

I pretended to think about "maybe.."

"Please.. I want to go with you"
He pouted, giving me that puppy dog look.

I sighed as if dejected "Ok, you'll go with me."

"Yay!" He planted a kiss on my cheek and grabbed my hands to lead me downstairs.

As we walked down the stairs ,I heard pots and pans clanging, Liv must be at it again.

Cooking is her hobby, she's so in love with it . Since Saturdays are her day off she always goes on a cooking spree.

"Good morning" she said in a cheery voice when she noticed us .

"Good morning" we chorused.

"What'd you make for us today?" I asked warily, she did not like to be Interrupted while cooking.

"Oh, just some toast for now, I'm about to make lasagna." She said breezily putting two plates of toast on the table.

"So, are you excited for today?" Liv asked with a smirk.

"Why would I be, it's part of my work"

"Hmm"she said smilingly.

"Olive Macy Anderson" she turned around startled that I used her full name.

"What are you planning,or rather what have you been smiling about.?"

"Nothing,I'm just excited for you ,you going out with a guy"

"His not that kind of  guy to me anymore Liv, the moment her left me I forgot all about him"

"Have you ever thought about the fact that something might've happened that day?"

I bristled "That made him treat me like a who... Harlot?" I changed my words, because Aiden was there.

Liv sighed " Listen, there might be more to his side of the story"

I hung my head in my hands, my appetite gone. I've always thought about that ,the fact that there might be more to his  side of the story, he'd seemed so sincere that day.

But then I'd remember the cash he left, what exactly did he mean by that if not insinuating that I was just a paid whore to him.

I was really confused, and I couldn't ask him, I didn't want to seem clingy if he considered it just a 'one night stand'.

"It's true there might be more to his side of the story but Liv,he freaking gave me money, and didn't bother to find me again"

" just have to find out his side of the story" she rubbed my back comfortingly.

I furiously blinked back the tears threatening to come out and composed myself.

"Aiden do you want to go the park now?"

His face lit up "Yeah!"

"Ok, lets go"


I watched Aiden play with a girl, about his age.

They played hide and seek, which had me laughing because of the obvious places they hid.

I saw Aiden hug the girl ,before running towards me "Mom!" He shouted trying to catch his breath.

I caught him in my arms "Yeah, baby?"

"I want some cookies to give to Delilah"

"Who's Delilah?

"My girlfriend" I let out a loud bark of laughter.

"Mom ,why are you laughing?"
He asked looking puzzled.

"When did she become your girlfriend? Just now?"

"No, she goes to my kindergarten, and she doesn't have cooties!" The hints of a blush starting to show on his cheeks.

"So, you really like her?"

"Yeah, I love her." He said proudly, puffing his chest out.

Whoa! This boy never fails to shock me.

I spotted the girl, Delilah coming up towards us.

She stood in front of me, looking very shy. Aiden took her hand in his and squeezed it "I'm Delilah"
She said timidly. Her blonde her was in a cute ponytail, she had cute twinkling blue eyes, she was so adorable.

I nodded with an amused smile  "You should come over for a playdate sometime, I want to get to know my son's girlfriend"

She looked down, blushing furiously and mumbling 'ok'.

A while later ,I noticed Aiden was  playing with another girl and Delilah looking at them from the swing, a sad look on her face.

I smiled ruefully, feeling her pain.

My son was a little heartbreaker, after all like father like son.

Authors note

The next chapter is the event! I'm so excited for it!

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Love y'all!


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