Chapter Eight

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Love is a beautiful pain to be felt not to be vanished.

Chapter 8

Adjusting to the life in California wasn't hard, at least not on Aiden. He was so excited to go out ,he wanted to go everywhere.

Before we moved I worried that it would affect him ,but he actually seems happier here. Always insisting on always going with me to the mall and grocery stores.

I decided to register him in a daycare close to our apartment ,and pick him up after work each day. I felt really sad just thinking about it. My Job back in Alpine was just a 4 hour job so I got to spend more time with him.

"Mom, I'm a big boy I'll be okay" he said soothingly when I came to drop him at the daycare on my way to the interview.

"Are you sure?" I hugged him tightly, tears prickling my eyes.
I looked at him petting his hair, he wiped my tears and said in a reassuring voice.

"Mom don't cry it's only daycare I'll make new friends I'll be okay , you have to work and earn money for Grandpa to get better" Sometimes I really wonder if he's the parent and I'm the kid.

I nodded "okay, don't cry okay? I'll come back for you"

"I know Mom, stop crying too,I'll be okay here "

Leaving him at the daycare was like a nightmare. I'd never been separated from him for that long.
The teacher had to pry my hand away from his ,when I didn't want to let go.

I knew I was being dramatic but I still cried a little on my way to the company.

Following the address I got from Mrs Harrison I got to the company by 8:45. Phew so I had 15 minutes to get there.

The people there all looked so rude and stuck up,with their shiny shoes and perfect suits.

Frankly I was a little intimidated by them, I smoothed down my plain black skirt self consciously.
I'd paired it with a light pink shirt courtesy of Liv.

I straightened my back with new found confidence and marched over to the desk, that said reception.

"May I help you" The girl there said rudely.

I was little taken aback, but I said equally obnoxiously "I'm here for the interview"

She snorted and sized me up, huffing I said "Could you tell me the direction?"

"Three doors to the right on the 6th floor" she said in a monotone voice.

I rolled my eyes and headed to the elevators. I pressed 6th floor and rested my head against the cool wall. After some time it opened to reveal a long passageway. I followed the passage until I saw 3 doors.

I noticed the lack of people around, was I the only one that showed up?I just shrugged and try to calm my heart.

After I was calm and composed I opened the door to discover it was a storage room, filled with different kinds of things, from broken chairs to books.

I fumed angrily when I realized that the bitchy receptionist gave me wrong direction. I mean was that even allowed? I was a potential employee after all.

My heart raced when I looked at the time, 9:17!!.

I spotted a guy, coming out of the other room and quickly approached him.

"The interview? It's just below this floor ,the first door to your right" I didn't know if I could trust this man ,but I guess I and no choice, and sounded nice so...

I ran to the elevators and keyed in 5th floor. At the rate my heart was beating , I wouldn't be surprised if I had a heart attack.

When I got there ,I saw two girl waiting,they looked at me strangely.

"Sorry excuse me I came for the interview"

The taller one with black hair gasped "Are you number 2?"

I nodded

"They called number 2 about 10 minutes ago ,I'm number 4 and she's number 5 " she said gesturing to the girl beside her.

Frustrated tears sting my eyes , I really needed this job , I slump on the wall feeling dejected.

"Hey" the tall black haired girl said "you know you could still try ,if you have a valid reason for being late "

I nodded deciding to try, I would enter and tell them what the receptionist did , I didn't deserve to lose my chance like this.

I thanked her , she was so nice compared to the other girl behind her who hadn't said a word.

After about 15 minutes they were done and I stood in front of the door trying to calm my nerves.

I turned the handle and entered with my head down.I heard a sharp intake of breath from someone ,it sounded like a guy I still didn't look up, "I'm so sorry I'm late "

From the corner of my eyes I saw him stand up, I was too scared to look up.

"Well so why are you here if you're late"

I heard a voice say , wow the receptionist bitchiness couldn't hold a candle to this one.

I finally looked up to see the woman , I almost gasped when I realized she was the woman on the news as Javier's fiance.

I ignored the feelings of jealousy running through me as I stared at her. She was really beautiful, my stomach twisted painfully as I pictured them married.

I heard another voice say "well then leave we're done"

The woman wasn't bitchy or anything she just sounded tired.

They were four, I looked with pleading eyes at the guy beside the woman,he shrugged.

I staggered and almost fell when I looked at the guy at Javier's fiance right side.

All the color drained from my face as I stared at Javier himself , he seemed shocked too.

I couldn't speak he just looked at me like he was pained "Ivy...."
He said in a soft voice

I didn't wait to hear him I turned and fled the room.

Authors note

Please! please! please! vote and comment I need them to stay motivated.

This chapter is dedicated to _mara_chi

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