Chapter Seven

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     Time is what we want most, but what we use most        


4 years later.....

    "Mom? Are you okay ?" Aiden asked worriedly.

I wiped my tears quickly and turned to face him "I'm okay, just a little dust in my eyes"

"Is grandpa going to be okay?" He asked in a small voice, I could tell he was worried about my Dad since he was rushed to the hospital, where we currently were.

My Dad was diagnosed of leukemia and he needed a stem cell transplant fast and I was match for him but I knew with my current job as a receptionist I wouldn't be able to pay for it and I had to act fast.

My mind was occupied trying to think of ways I could get the money and even move him to a better hospital.

   "Miss Thorn?" The nurse called my name gently "His awake now"

I immediately rushed into the room where my Dad was "Dad?"
He turned his head to look at me and smiled, I choked in tears. He looked so frail and weak, not like my normally strong and cheerful Dad. "Ivy why do you look so sad ,I'm not dead yet "he said chuckling

"Dad! Don't make those kind of jokes, it's not funny "I said slipping into the chair beside the bed.

Aiden rushed to his side and held his hand "Grandpa, how do you feel" he said in a gentle voice.

They started talking while I sat down in the visitor's chair and watched them.

I thought about my job back in California, it paid so much better, then I remembered Mrs Harrison. When I explained everything to her she had assured me that whenever I came back there'd be a job for me .

  "Dad ,excuse me ,I have to make a call "he nodded slowly

"Aiden don't stress grandpa too much ok?''

"Ok Mom" he said looking into my eyes with his green ones.

Nature was so unfair, I just don't get why he had to be an exact replica of his dad, not even taking after me one bit.

His dark locks, beautiful green eyes, long lashes and full brows reminded me so much of Javier.
But then I'd gotten used to it ,it just creeped me out from time to time, like now.

I stepped out of the room and dialed Mrs Harrison's number it rang a few time then her secretary picked up.

"She's not here at the moment"
She said when I asked her to put her through.

"Ok" I sighed"I'll call again I the evening.


  We were still in the hospital when Mrs Harrison called.
When I asked her about Job vacancies she explained that they were merged with a bigger company at the moment.

"So we're basically under the other company now, and yes there are job vacancies infact there is an interview next Thursday morning by 9:00am." She said, all in one breath. I and Mrs Harrison had become a little bit close over the last 4 years. She occasionally gave me tips when I was pregnant and even after I gave birth. I couldn't believe she was my boss who was so strict and stone faced all the time.

I agreed to apply for the job ,because frankly I didn't have any other choice. I submitted my resume that night online.

I received an automatic reply that they'd let me know if I was qualified for the interview on Friday.

Sadly all the vacancies were in the human affairs department where Jason worked but I applied anyway. I didn't really care about him anymore ,I had more responsibilities to face.

I called Liv and told her the news .

"You're really coming back!!?"
She screamed and I had to remove the phone from my ears.

"Yeah, I need to ,my Dad needs it"

"Ok, gosh! I'm so happy! " she exclaimed "you guys can stay with me the time being, I have two rooms to spare, remember?"

I couldn't thank her enough, she stayed with me throughout my pregnancy and occasionally visited me over here in Alpine.

We argued about the rent until she settled for me paying the bills only. I couldn't just stay there for free, she's helped me too much already.


It was Friday and I was trying to decide which and which things to pack. I'd decided that whether I was given a job or not we'd still pack and I'd search for a better job when we got there. Any job over there would pay better than here.

When I told my Dad about it ,he didn't really object much, so I had no problem with him and Aiden was excited to move.

The only problem was getting a job and also worrying about bumping into Javier. He'd been on mind ever since I made this decision. I just had to avoid him, I had to protect my son from any imminent rejection I personally knew how that felt, since my mum never wanted me.

"Mom!" Aiden ran into the room almost tripping over his legs."your phone is ringing!" He said handing me my phone.

I saw it was an unknown number
"Hello?" I said with uncertainty.

The woman had a crisp voice that meant purely business as she briefed me over the fact that I was selected for the interview.

I squealed, then quickly muffled it.

"Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome "she said briskly and cut the call. Wow she was so cold.

I hugged Aiden happily , petting his hair.

"Mom you seem so happy"

"Yes I am Addie!"

"Did something good happen"


I decided to call my dad. We'd left him at the hospital to see to some things at home. We were going to move together and he'd stay in a hospital, when he got surgery and healed then he'd come back to Alpine.

According to him he can't leave his life and old folks over here to  settle in a completely foreign city bustling with activities. I assured him that as long as he was well he could stay anywhere he wanted.

He was genuinely happy when I told him about my potentiality of getting a job.

Javier popped into my mind again and I thought of the rumor I heard about him getting engaged. It still hurt, but I could take it, anything,even if it means occasionally bumping into him.

I just wanted the best for my Dad,I could take a few heartbreaks for my dad to get well again.


  We arrived  at Liv's house late in the evening the next day.

I watched my Dad struggle, trying to get out of the car, he was already being extra weak due to his age. My heart dropped ,the doctor had warned me that it was spreading quickly and that he needed the transplant as soon as possible.

Fatigue lined his face with every activity he did. I decided I was going to enroll him in the hospital the next day.

I looked out the window when I'd settled in my room. The view was ok , overlooking the street , it was good for me because I liked watching people.

I missed California a lot, the weather the ,the food, the busy streets ,I really missed everything.

Authors note

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