Chapter Twelve

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"Because with the right person, sometimes kissing feels like healing"

Chapter 12

Taking a much needed breath I opened the double doors leading to his office. I stopped about five inches before his desk and waited.

When he finally looked up I couldn't help but admire the way his green eyes melded perfectly with coal black tailored Armani suit. I tried not to think about how his eyes reminded me of the forest and how strong his jawline looked.

I shook my head to rid my self of those thoughts " What would you like me to do, Mr Gonzalo?" I said in a cold and formal voice.

I thought I saw him flinch at the tone of my voice but he quickly recovered "You're aware of the meeting I have to attend by 11 o'clock right?"


"Well, I need you to make a photocopy of these documents, they would be needed in the meeting" he said handing me a file.

"Ok sir" I stretched my hands to take the documents. Our hands brushed and I retracted my hands so fast like I was burned.

He raised an amused eyebrow "Anything wrong Miss Thorn?"

"No sir" I quickly snatched the documents, avoiding his hands and scurried out of his office almost tripping over my feet.

I was still reeling from the sparks I felt when I got to the photocopying machine.

I noted that someone was already there,on a closer look a wave of familiarity washed through me.


He turned immediately and a look of recognition passed his face "Ivy?"

He looked very much  surprised but genuinely happy.

He was my very close friend apart from Lucy when I worked at NBM. He knew about everything that happened from Jason cheating on me with Lucy to my pregnancy, but I never told him it was Javier.

We kept in contact, but I didn't tell him I was moving back. Hence the surprise, adding the fact that I was also working here now.

We agreed to meet and catch up over lunch,which I found out was by 1.

I made my way to Javier's office, gathering my nerves to face him, when I was rudely pushed. I stumbled but righted myself just in time to see Javier's fiance glaring at me. If only looks could kill.

"Watch where your going, whore!" She spat furiously.

I huffed disbelievingly watching her walk awa.....I mean stomp away.

Then I realized she had just walked out of Javier's office and one of the double doors was left slightly open.

For some stupid reason I felt annoyed at the thought that they probably just finished making out.

Then why was she that angry?

When I entered his office to drop the files I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips, they definitely didn't make out.

He was angry from the look on his face, but it softened when he saw me. I tried not to think about that.

"What happened here?"

"Elena happened" he said as if I was meant to understand everything just by hearing her name.

"Your fiance?"

"She's not my fiance anymore!" He said as if the thought alone annoyed him.

"Oh" I felt happy at that little tidbit of information, but I pushed it down.

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