Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

I made to walk past him but he cornered me.

"Hey, babe" He slurred stumbling slightly.

I scrunched up my nose when the smell of alcohol oozed from his mouth.

"What do you want Jason" I spat, exasperated.

"I know you miss me" he said in a smug tone.

I scoffed "Don't delude yourself boy." I made to walk past him but he grabbed my arm.

"I'm not a boy,I'm a man"

I laughed mockingly "Real men don't cheat."

I pushed him off me and stomped down the Hall, where the event was taking place.

Javier was still in the podium and his eyes locked with mine, I quickly looked away. I settled down in my chair and finally faced my food.

Elena came back looking slightly ruffled and glaring at me, I just smirked at her and  rolled my eyes.

Soon enough ,a blonde haired man, who I recognized as the MC announced the couple dance. I felt someone tap my shoulders and instinctively, I already knew who it was.

I stood up reluctantly " Javier,I don't really want to dance"

"We have to" he gave me what looked like a nervous smile  "I hosted the event so I have to participate"

"Can't you just find someone else"

He looked determined"I came with you,so we have to participate at least in the first dance"

"Okay" I stood up grudgingly, the butterflies in my stomach fluttered.

He took my hand and led me to the dance floor where some people were already dancing in pairs.

It was a slow song so we just swayed to the beat,I averted my eyes,and tried my best to keep distance between us.

This position,this dance, all of these felt so familiar with him, the feel of his hand in my back, the close proximity, everything was just like that night.

I felt a lump form in my throat at the memories flooding my head.

Suddenly he pulled me closer to him by my waist and used his other hand to grab my chin gently.

"Look at me Ivy" he said in a soft voice.


"Why do you hate me ?" His hand trailed down to my shoulder.

I sucked in a sharp breath,shocked by the question.

"I don't " I said in the most flat voice I could muster.

"You do, I always see it in your eyes."

He sounded so vulnerable,and honestly at that moment I wanted to cave in and cry and tell him to stop pretending and making my heart flutter, but I stood my ground.

"I don't hate you, why would I? I forgot about you the moment I left your bed" I spat in my harshest voice and risked a look at his eyes.

What I saw in his eyes made me speechless.

Vulnerability, longing and sadness.

He  looked so shocked and broken by my words, my heart ached to comfort him, but I just turned and left the dance floor.

I ended up next to the buffet table, filled with different types of cake. I tried my best not to look back at Javier, which was very hard.

He'd looked so broken and hurt when I said those words. For some reason I didn't think this was another tactic to get me into his bed, his emotions looked real.

I shook my head vigorously "No Ivy your not letting down your walls"

I really felt like leaving the party, all the confrontations were starting to get to me. First Elena, Jason,and now Javier.

Unfortunately as his PA, I had to stay till he decided to go.

After a few hours of intently focusing on eating my sorrows away, I looked around for him.
I was alarmed when I saw him chugging down a whole bottle of vodka.

I instantly left the table and walked towards him. Regardless of our little dispute I was still his PA.

When he saw me approaching he waved grinning happily. I sighed, I guess he was a happy drunk.

I just grabbed his arm and led him out of the party, people giving me weird stares.

He groaned mumbling about the bottle he left behind.

He suddenly stopped in the hallway and turned to me , looking serious. "Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you to your car.... sir." I added.

He scrunched up his nose at the word sir.

We continued walking,and when we got outside I noticed that his car was no longer there.

"Sir, if you'd just call your Butler, he'll come and take you home, you are very drunk right now"

He smiled sheepishly"ohhhh Butler!''
He brought his phone out of his pocket and attempted to open it.

He dropped it and I picked it up and handed it to him  "what's the code?" He asked looking really confused.

I corked an eyebrow at him "Sir it's your phone,you should open it "

He just mumbled something incomprehensible words and laid his head on my shoulder. My heart started to go haywire, he was practically snuggling up and sleeping on me.

I fumbled with his phone for some time, but I couldn't get the password

"Mr Gonzalo? What's your password"

He stood up, stumbling slightly "password?"

I nodded.

He smiled innocently looking curious "what's a password?"

I huffed, how could he be so dumb when he's drunk, to the point of forgetting his password and even the concept of a password.

I shook my head and hailed a cab. He was so drunk he couldn't even get into the cab properly.

When I finally hailed him into the cab, he didn't let go of my hand. Add clingy to his list of drunk characteristics.

"Sir, if you'd just let me go, I need to call a cab for myself too"

"No, don't go"

"I have to." I said in a firm voice.

The cab driver started to get impatient and I noticed Javier wasn't letting go of my hand anytime soon so I just entered the cab with him.


I had to carry him all the way inside his house, which was still very breathtaking by the way. He didn't really change much things in the past four years.

He stumbled to his bed and fell with a thud. His breathing was starting to get rugged, I just shrugged it off he could take care of himself from this point.

"Ivy, don't go" his voice cracked like he was about to cry and he sounded like he was out of breath.

I really did feel like staying,but I didn't want to fall for this again, to wake up to him gone  again, and feeling like a paid whore.

I grabbed my purse and walked out. I was almost to the front door when I heard a loud noise.

It sounded like someone falling from the bed and I also heard some struggling sounds and gasps.

I ran as fast as I could, back to his room almost tripping on my  feet.

I gasped.

I was truly horrified at the scene in front of me.

Authors note:
So that was it!

What do you think happened!?

Also,  thank you guys for the votes and comments.

Continue voting and I also need your comments and suggestions for.

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