Chapter Five

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"Sometimes in life, a sudden situation, a moment in time, alters your whole life, forever changes the road ahead."
_ Anonymous


"Are you okay?" Mrs Harrison my boss asked the next morning when I came to inform her about changes in her schedule.

I saw concern for the first time, on her normally strict face. I must look really horrible If she was showing this much concern.

"I'm ok ,just a little under the weather"


She didn't look convinced "Maybe it's because of how you've been working overtime these days ,you should take a few day off and rest, ok?"

She must've seen how surprised I was that she was showing concern because she smiled and said "Miss Thorn, I do have a heart and besides I wouldn't want an employee to be forced to work when sick"

"Thanks,I really appreciate"
I left her office to my desk and sat down.
I couldn't help the tears that formed at her motherly concern. I've been crying a lot lately and having rapid mood swings. I cried this morning just because I didn't put enough sugar in my coffee, and also when I tried to button my favorite light pink blazer and the button fell off.

When I checked my watch I realized right in time that it was time for Mrs Harrison's meeting with the human affairs and marketing team.

I felt dizzy while walking behind Mrs Harrison on our way to the meeting. I spotted Jason and ignored him when he tried to smile at me.

I couldn't even be bothered by his presence anymore with my current state. My head started pounding sseriously and I tried massaging my temple with my fingers.

I drowned out the voices of people as they discussed the presentation they put together.

I suddenly felt very faint and swayed on my feet. I heard my name being called a couple of times as I fell backwards.

Their voices all seemed very far away as I slipped into unconsciousness which I tried to fight but to no avail.


I felt horrible when I opened my eyes and the brightness of the room didn't help.

I groaned loudly as I tried to get up.

" Ivy?!"

I heard Liv's voice as I was crushed into a very strong hug.

"You're finally awake! I was so worried!" I heard the tears in her voice.

"What happened? And where are we?"
I asked as I looked around it was obviously a hospital judging from the white walls,smell and IV that was stuck in my arm.

" We're at a hospital, Jason suddenly called me and directed me here saying you fainted at work"

"What? I fainted? "

Then it all came back and I sat up very fast that I brought back my headache. "Who brought me here?"

"It was Axel that carried you though Jason followed him in the ambulance. Apparently Axel didn't allow him to touch you."

I smiled warmly at the thought that Axel protected me. He was my closest friend at work and hated Jason for what he did to me.

"Did they go back to work? Yeah Axel did but only after I arrived."

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