Chapter Twenty_one

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Chapter 21

"Let's ride that!, I want to ride that one Mom!"

I was bent over huffing and puffing, impossibly tired from riding every mother friggin thing in this amusement park.

Aiden was a little demon, he took advantage of the fact that Javier bent to his every will, to make us do his bidding.

"Dad,please?!" He pouted and gave his Javier the puppy dog face.

I saw Javier's tiny affectionate smile at the fact that Aiden called him Dad.

I was instantly mortified when I saw noticed Javier was about to give in.

"Aiden! We can't ride everything here, and we definitely can't ride the roller coaster!" I was almost begging, I was really scared of riding that monster looking thing that had so many ups, downs and curves. Literally.

I shook my head furiously at Javier and mouthed 'no'.

"Let's go Addie,we can ride that one too" he smiled while Aiden jumped excitedly.

While  I was happy he adopted the nickname I gave Aiden, I was very pissed at his betrayal, how could he! I hit his arm as hard as I could.

I couldn't help admiring him.
He looked hot and was dressed very casually today. In jeans and a black hoodie that looked extremely good on him.

He had assured me that we could miss work for today and I couldn't be more happy.

Now to the main point, I really didn't want to get in that death trap, it looked really scary.

"I'm not going" I folded my arms and planted my feet on the ground, tapping it. I didn't care that I was acting more childish than the child here,which was Aiden.

"You guys can go on, I'll wait" I looked away huffing.

"C'mon ,it won't be that bad" Javier said in a soft voice.

"Mom! Come on!" Aiden pouted.

No, I wasn't gonna give in no matter what!.

But ladies and gentlemen.

After countless puppy dog faces from Aiden and just one from Javier I gave in. Come on ,you just can't resist Javier's puppy dog face trust me, its effective, and made my heart flutter.

I was reluctantly dragged to the line of people waiting to get on the ride. 

Like seriously,why would people want to be hundred foot off the floor ,in something that could possibly drop you to your death.

My stomach dropped as we sat down, I felt Javier take my hands.

I turned to look at him and I was blown away by the smile he was giving me. He entwined our hands , successful waking the stampede of butterflies in my stomach.

I didn't really know what we were right now,apart from parents to Javier.

I didn't really want to think about it now either.

I let out a tiny squeal when the roller coaster started moving.
I immediately held onto Aiden's hand.

Holding on to the hands of my two favorite men, the ride seemed less scary.

I actually started enjoying it ,with the occasional flicker of fear coming back once in a while.

Aiden and Javier looked so happy and carefree, when I chanced a glance at them. Their smiles were so similar to each other and it made me smile.

Finally I was stepping of the ride with wobbly legs "I'm never doing that again!" I yelled dramatically.

"Yeah right" Javier said with a smug smile and I stupidly smiled back.

"Mom? Dad?  Stop giving each other googly eyes! I want cotton candy!" Aiden said bouncing up and down by my side, he never ran out of energy.


I was exhausted when we got to Javier's penthouse.

"I have something to show you."
Javier said and I just nodded and followed him, Aiden bouncing beside him.

He opened a door I'd always assumed was a guest room.

"Wow." Aiden exclaimed, mirroring my expression.

Javier had turned the room into a mini man cave or should I say boy cave.

The room was painted blue, draped blue curtains. Toys of different calibers were scattered around and some huge Teddy bears on the bed. Storybooks we're arranged on the bookshelves neatly. I spotted Beauty and the beast, Aiden's favorite.

"It's Aiden's room." I heard Javier say.

I was touched, he'd already made a space for Aiden in his life, and nothing made me happier than that.

Aiden squealed excitedly running around the room. He admired the indoor bike and tried to figure how to ride it.

I turned to Javier "Thank you so much"

"You don't need to thank me, he's my son, I want him to have every good thing possible."

I surprised both of us by hugging him. I sighed contently,his chest felt so warm, I felt safe in his arms.


It was almost 8 in the evening and I figured we'd be spending the night here. I wanted to give father and son as much bonding time as possible.

I'd strategically packed an overnight bag, so I took out my night wear which consisted of soft shorts and an oversized t_shirt.

After taking a very much needed shower in the second guest bedroom ,I made my way to Aiden's new room.

"_and they lived happily ever after" I heard Javier's quiet voice. He was probably reading to Aiden, a small smile tugged my lips.

My heart warmed at the sight of Javier kissing Aiden's forehead. I cleared my throat softly "Is he asleep?"

"Yeah" he whispered, walking softly to get out of the room.

I giggled quietly at the sight of Javier trying to tiptoe.

He closed the door to Aiden's room and turned to face me. He not so subtly checked me out and I smirked ,happy that I still had some influence on him.

"My eyes are up here."

He cleared his throat smiling "I know, and they're beautiful"  he took a step closer to me.

Our eyes met and I suddenly didn't know how to breath. I noticed him coming closer and damn if I didn't inch closer to him.

Our lips finally met and I'd never had such a passion filled kiss in my 28 years on Earth.

I ran my hands through his hair and we ravished each other like hungry beasts.

I landed on a soft bed, I hadn't even realize we were moving.

I unbuttoned  his shirt as fast as I could. His breath shuddered when I splayed my hands across his chest.

One hand went to his hair and the other explored his chest boldly.

He ripped my t-shirt of my body, my bra going with it.

He took one of my peak into his mouth and I wanted to scream.

I hadn't been with another man since him, and I was beyond ecstatic. Every feeling and every touch was heightened.

He took me to the highest heights and ravished me till I was a blubbering mess.

Authors note




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