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I can't imagine what it must have been like for them. Having to see your two brothers venture into an unknown world, with the women who murdered your parents and was holding your aunt captive. I bet they were scared. Out of their minds. For them it must have been two flickers in the distance being engulfed by a swirl of colour as they vanished, leaving only hope behind.

Jess' POV:

Lexi plunged to the ground, sobbing.

"I wish I could do more." Cried Lexi.

"I can't control my powers nor my tongue. I just get so angry and the rage inside of me is a tsunami waiting to implode as it crashes the walls of my body." Alright she didn't say it like that.

Instead she said. "I can't control my powers and I'm so angry all the time. I mean I don't really care about it normally- but that- bitch."

It's not my fault. Everyone else speaks so boring. Sometimes I like to imagine that they speak sophisticatedly. Especially Stiles.

"Lexi. They have to do what they think suits them. It's their destiny." Replied I, trying to calm her down. She huffed and swished her hair. I swear the added gold makes it glow every time she swishes it. It's so elegant and instead mine feels like a bouncy castle.

"Please. I dont believe in destiny. I think that we all control the actions that lead us. That fear, happiness and anxiety all evoke inspiration and the choices that afflict change." Said Stiles nonchalantly, while staring in the distance.

Lexi and I stared at him for a second, until we broke in hysterical laughter.

"Damn Stiles. Good one." Giggled I

God it felt so good to laugh.

"He's got a point. You know what you're right. I'm going to go to Opentam." Decided Lexi who got up to her feet, pumped with ambition.

"Woah woah." I replied nervously. "Lexi are you sure that's what you heard? Because that's not what I heard." I chuckled nervously and followed her side as she moved quickly, grabbing her satchel.

"Relax Jess." Lexi said, placing her hand on my shoulder. "I need to make things right. I don't want my last words- god forbid- with Ember to be a snarky comment. I need to. They need me. I need them."

"But-" Said I shortly before she cut me off. How rude?

"You'll be fine. I know you always think you have the weakest power but Jess. The greatest power of them all is that. Over there." Inferred Lexi, pointing towards my forehead. I'm not sure if that was symbolism or an insult.

I gripped Lexi, hugging her. "I didn't get to apologise you know." I said apologetically. She made a confused face. "About the fat comment."

Her face shifted from confusion to an 'ohh' face. "Jess." She grinned. "If anyone understands about, how people say stuff in the heat of the moment, it would be me. Besides you didn't mean it and if you did- it wouldn't bother me. Like I said before, I am a sexy bitch." She clicked her fingers.

She then turned to face Stiles.

"You're going to be a hero Stiles. Trust me." Smirked Lexi who, despite Stiles confused face, hugged him and ran off.

She ran to the well. Turned back to me and Stiles. "For WELFS!" She yelled.

"For WELFS." We replied simultaneously, as we lifted our arm in the air.

Lexi leaped into the well and in a flash of light disappeared, leaving me and Stiles by our own.
"Who would've thought it Stiles? Me and you together." Said I, as I smiled. Stiles was my rock.

W.E.L.F.S: The Snake's Eye (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now