Chapter 3

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Santana marched into Jitters with Thad, Barry trailing behind them. They ordered their drinks and sat with everyone else. 

"Where's Rachel, Finn, Artie, and Mercedes?" Santana asked.

"Rachel and Mercedes wanted to go shopping. Rachel dragged Finn with them, and Finn wouldn't go without Artie. What were his words, ah, yes. 'If I am subjected to this torment you will be too'." Quinn answered.

"And you didn't go with them?" she questioned.

"Nah. I wanted to finish my coffee in peace," she said nonchalant. 

"Hey Thad. Hey Barry," Trent said.

"Hey guys," Barry said. Then he started to inch his way away. 

Santana saw him and grabbed him, "Oh no you don't." she said, "You're not getting out of trouble that easy."

"Why is Barry in trouble?" Nick asked.

Both Thad and Santana glared at Barry before Thad answered, "Well, someone decided that it would be okay to go confront a murderer alone."

"Excuse me. What?" Wes said, also glaring at Barry now.

Santana continued to explain, "On his case, he went to talk with the victim's child, who he guessed was the killer. And he went alone. And the kid ended up shooting at him."

"What!" the Warbler's all yelled.

"Barry do you have a death wish?" Quinn asked.

"I think he does," Kurt said. "Last time we were in Central, gunmen came into Jitters. They shot at Blaine, but Barry jumped in front of him. Taking all three bullets for him."

The Warblers turned towards Barry, all with equal looks of shock and anger. All Barry did was smile sheepishly. 

Santana smacked the back of his head. Again, "You'd better run Barry. Cause you're about to be chased by many angry people who are going to strap you to a chair and put you on 24/7 watch to make sure you don't do anything stupid."

"What?" Barry asked innocently, "I'm fine now."

"After you flat lined," Blaine added. Barry glared at him.

That was the last straw for Thad. He tackled Barry to the ground. "You are never leaving my sight again! You have a death wish! I can't believe you!" 

"Thanks Blaine. Thanks Kurt." Barry glared at them. 

"Barry, are you crazy?" Trent asked.

"After being around you guys, yes. Very much so," Barry teased.

"Barry?" a new voice asked. Barry's face lit up.

"Caitlin! Get this lunatic off me!" Barry pleaded.

"Hi Caitlin. Hi Cisco," Kurt said.

"Hi guys," Caitlin said.

"Dude. Why are you sitting on top of Barry?" Cisco asked.

"Because he has a death wish," Thad answered, "Who are you guys?"

"I'm Cisco. That's Caitlin," Cisco answered. "And you all are?"

"I'm Thad. Barry's best friend from high school. That's Nick, Trent, Wes, Jeff, Jon, Santana, and Quinn." Thad said, "How do you know Barry?"

"Well, we met him when he was in his coma," Caitlin explained. Kurt and Blaine looked up, they didn't know that. "Since then I've been his doctor." 

"Of course Twink needs his own doctor," Santana scoffed. "And what about you?" she gestured to Cisco.

"I'm his best bud," Cisco said, "and I build stuff."

Wes spoke up, "Did you guys know about Barry's death wish?"

"I do not have a death wish!" Barry shouted, shoving Thad off him.

"What are they talking about?" Caitlin asked.

"Well, earlier today I had a run in with a crazy killer child who killed his mom. And he shot at me. But I'm fine!" Barry insisted.

"Well, that could happen to anyone," Cisco said, "so why does that mean Barry has a death wish?"

"Because Meerkat face here knew that the child was the killer and he went alone," Santana elaborated.

"Barry!" Caitlin scolded.

"Thanks Satan," Barry said.

"Anytime Twink," she replied.

"But then we found out that he took bullets for Blaine," Trent said.

"And that he flat lined," Jeff added.

Caitlin nodded as she recalled the memory. "I think I might agree with you guys," she said.

"Cait!" Barry yelled distraught, "I thought you were my friend!"

"Well, you've been in a lot of near death situations, Barry," Caitlin said.

"Not my fault," Barry mumbled.

"Hey Cait," Cisco said, "Dr. Wells needs us back at the lab."

"Alright," she said, then waved, "It was nice meeting you all. Good to see you again Blaine and Kurt."

"Bye," everyone chorused.

Soon, Quinn and Santana left to meet the New Directions at their hotel, and Barry was left with the Warblers, Blaine, and Kurt .

"So where should we go?" Jon asked. 

"Hey Bar! Are there any good karaoke bars in Central?" Wes asked.

"Yeah, sure," Barry said.

"Alright!" Nick said, "Lead the way Warbler Sebastian!"

Barry rolled his eyes and led everyone to the bar. 

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