Chapter 5

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The next day, Barry was late for lunch. Not that it was entirely his fault, since he had to catch up on all his work from the previous day when Thad and Santana dragged him away. He super sped over to Big Belly Burger to meet everyone for lunch. Half and hour late.

"About time you finally showed up," Thad said as Barry walked in. Barry smiled and ordered his food. 

"So," Santana said, "where've you been?"

"Working on work that you guys made me leave yesterday," Barry sassed. Then Barry's food came. In three different trips. The Warblers stared at Barry as he started eating. "What?" Barry asked.

"Are you trying to get fat?" Wes asked, "you're eating more than Nick."

Barry turned red, "Well... um..."

They all laughed at Barry's expense, "We're just messing with you," Thad said.

Barry smiled and finished his massive amount of food. Santana came back over, "Holy crap, Barry!" she yelled, causing him to jump.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!" Barry scolded.

"You don't tell Auntie Snixx what to do," she said, "and how are you able to eat that much food?"

"I have fast metabolism." Barry said.

"Sure, whatever," she said. 

Blaine came over, "Hey guys. Wow."

"Don't even say it, Killer," Barry said.

"Wasn't going to."

Barry's phone rang. It was Cisco. "Hold on a sec guys. Hey Cisco. What's up?"

"Barry there's a Bank robbery on 5th. It's a hostage situation."

"Crap. Okay. I'm on my way." Barry turned towards his friends, "I've got to go help Cisco with something. I'll be back."

"Uh uh," Thad said, grabbing Barry, "He doesn't need you that bad."

Barry looked at Blaine and Blaine understood what was going on. "Guys let Barry go. He'll be back. Besides, we can't keep him from his other friends."

"But..." Thad started. His grip loosened and Barry quickly got up.

"I'll be back. See ya later!" Then he ran out the door. Normal speed of course, until he was far enough away to where he could super speed. 

Barry ran to the bank to find five robbers with three hostages and five bags of cash. Barry sighed, "Let them go!" he shouted.

"Not until we're guaranteed free passage," the middle one said. He had a gun to a little girl's head. The girl whimpered and Barry growled. 

"Let them go and we'll talk," Barry said, "I can't say the same for the police though." They let the two older hostages go, who Barry assumed were the girl's parents. "The girl."

"Not until we're safely away." He said. 

"Jamie," the woman cried. The man tried to calm her.

Barry turned to them, "Sir, ma'am, please get out of here. I promise to get your daughter back." 

The man nodded and ushered his wife out of the bank. Barry heard sirens, indicating that the police had arrived. 

"Well," the man said, "It looks like we'll just have to run for it. You shouldn't make promises you can't keep, Flash."

Barry's eyes widened and he ran forward as  the man pulled the trigger. Everything was in slow motion for Barry. He shoved the girl away and felt a searing pain in his right arm. He mentally cursed. He raced the girl outside to her parents, grabbed five pairs of cuffs, and cuffed all the robbers. He brought them outside individually as fast as he could and then ran to STAR labs. He crashed into the hospital bed and groaned in pain. 

"Barry!" Caitlin yelled, surprised.

"Ugh. Cait. Get it out," Barry pleaded.

Caitlin instantly started working, removing the bullet from Barry's arm. Barry hissed in pain, screamed when she touched the bullet, and then blacked out. Ten minutes later he woke up.

"Ow," He said.

"Honestly Barry," Caitlin said, "I'm starting to agree with your friends more. You do have a death wish. Or at least a pain addiction."

"I have neither," Barry said.

"The bullet hit your bone and was lodged in pretty well. It should be healed by the end of the day, so just take it easy with that arm." She told him.

"Okay," Barry said, sitting up, "I've got to get going. Or else Thad might send a search party out."

"Alright. Bye Barry."

"Bye Cait."

----------------- LINE BREAK ----------------

Barry made sure that his bandaged arm was covered, and then walked into the mall, where Thad told him to meet up with them. He stopped by the food court for a quick meal and then found his friends. 

"Hey guys," Barry said, "Sorry about that."

"It's fine Bar," Trent said, patting his arm. His right arm of course. Barry grimaced. Kurt noticed.

Trent went to talk with someone and Kurt walked over, "Are you alright Barry?"

"Yeah. I'm fine," Barry said. Kurt gave him a, 'oh really' look. "Honestly. Nothing that won't be healed by the end of the day."

"Whatever you say," Kurt said, "You can tell me about it later."

Santana walked over, "You just ditched us Feivel." she growled, "Not cool." Then, of course, she smacked his hurt arm. kind of hard. Barry yelped. Santana looked at him weird. "What was that?"

Barry stumbled for an excuse, "Y-you just startled me. Is all."

Thad also came over, "Did Barry just yelp?"

"Yes he did." Santana said.

"So what are we planning on doing?" Barry asked, desperate for a subject change. 

They noticed the subject change, but decided to ignore it for the time being, "We were gonna go preform at the park." Thad said. 

"Really? Cool," Barry said. "When?"

"In an hour. You'd better not be late, Twink," Santana said.

"Yes ma'am!" Barry mocked.

"Shut up Feivel," she muttered.

-------------- TIME SKIP ----------------

Trent, Jon, Blaine, and Kurt had already finished setting up the stage when Barry arrived. The New Directions all had on black and white,, while the Warblers wore their Dalton uniforms. Kurt hopped off the stage to greet him, "Hey Barry."

"Hey Kurt."

"You want to tell me what you did to your arm?" he asked.

Barry sighed, "You won't leave me alone till I tell you." Kurt shook his head, "fine. There was a robbery and hostages. They let two of the three hostages go, but kept the couple's daughter. They were about to shoot her, and I moved her out of the way, but the bullet hit my arm. And it ended up lodged in my bone. If it was just a flesh wound, it would be fine by now."

"My god, Barry," Kurt shook his head in dismay.

Santana walked up to them, "What are you two doing?"

"Talking," Barry sighed. 

Santana narrowed her eyes, "Mhm. Well, were almost ready to start. And Seb, I found some cello players."

"Really? Oh it's on, Sha Queer A," Barry smiled.

"Yeah, New Directions are first. Then we all do 'Bad', without a slushie, and you and I do 'Smooth Criminal'. Then the Warblers are up." Santana listed.

"Great," Kurt said. "Let's do this." 

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