Chapter 14

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Kurt and Blaine were in their hotel room, relaxing. They had had a strange day and were ready to crash. 

Blaine turned to Kurt, "I'm going to get ready for bed."

"Alright." He said, looking up. When he looked up, he saw something. The water from his glass was floating in the air. "Blaine..."

Suddenly, there was a blur and a vibrating figure with red eyes was in front of Kurt. Upon looking closer, Kurt saw that this man was wearing a yellow suit. And before he could comprehend what was happening, he grabbed Kurt and Blaine and ran out of the hotel. 

Kurt couldn't register anything except the red lightning flickering around them and the rush of wind and the pure terror he was feeling. 

The man stopped running and dropped them on the ground. They were in a stadium and the man in yellow was suddenly gone.

"Where'd he go?" Blaine whispered.

Kurt swallowed thickly, "I don't know." 

Then he was back, and he had brought Santana and Thad. Then he was gone again.

Santana was terrified. "What the hell?" She said. To anyone who didn't know her, they would think she was angry. But her friends knew that she was scared. 

Then the man was back, but his red lightning was accompanied by someone else's yellow lightning. They stopped.

"Barry!" Thad said, his voice was full of fear.

Barry looked at them and then glared at the man. Santana and Thad were shocked. There was so much pure rage in his eyes. More than when Rachel had accused his dad of murder. 

"Let them go!" Barry shouted.

"You want them Flash, you have to beat me," he taunted.

Barry raced towards the man in yellow and they fought. But the man in yellow was significantly better than Barry. Barry took quite the beating. 

Barry would get knocked down. And he would get back up and keep fighting. The man knocked him down again, pinned him. 

"It is your destiny to lose to me Flash. Just like it was your mother's destiny to die that night." He said. Then he ran away. 

Santana was up in a flash, racing towards the fallen Barry. "Barry!" she cried.

She fell next to Barry's side and helped sit him up.

Thad, Kurt and Blaine ran forward too. "Are you okay?" Thad asked. "Wait, that's a stupid question."

Barry breathed heavily. He looked up at his friends, "Are you guys okay?"

"We're fine, Sebastian," Santana said, resorting to the name she knew him by better. She noticed that he didn't actually answer Thad's question.

"Alright." Then he flashed them to a gas station and ran off before anyone could say anything.

"Did he just ditch us at a gas station?" Kurt asked.

Thad nodded sadly. "We need to find him." he decided.

"Give him a couple hours of space first," Blaine suggested.

"But what if he tries to do something crazy and irrational?" Santana said. "That man killed his mother! And then he was taunting him with it!"

"But he could be anywhere by now," Kurt said.

"Yeah," Thad agreed, "Last time he was upset, he ran all the way to Starling City."

"Really?" Blaine said. Thad nodded.

"What if he goes to STAR labs?" Santana said. "That's where Wells is."

"But he's probably still safe there. For now," Kurt said, "I mean, think about it, Wells hasn't made a move until now. He won't give up his cover yet. Otherwise, he wouldn't have gotten rid of the pictures we took. He has a plan. And he still needs Barry's trust for that plan to work."

"I suppose you're right." Santana said, "But still..."

"I know," Kurt said, "That still doesn't change who he is or what he did. And it's worse that he has Barry's trust. Once this gets out, which it will, Barry's going to be crushed."

Thad nodded sadly, "He'll probably have trust issues after this. I mean, who wouldn't?"

"So what should we do?" Blaine asked.

"Give him space for now." Thad said, "Either he'll come to us, or if he's gone too long, we'll go to him." 

"This is a disaster," Santana sighed. 

"I know," Thad said, "But this is Sebastian we're talking about. He'll make it through."


A/N- It's a shorter chapter. So I kind of based this off of the episode where Barry encounters the Reverse Flash in the stadium. But it's at a different time. So only loosely based off it. Hope you're all enjoying! I'm going to try and post one more chapter today. Love y'all! Thanks for reading! :)

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