Chapter 26

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Mercedes, Rachel, and Barry walked down the streets, finding their way to the party. 

"I can't believe that you've never had salt water taffy." Mercedes said to Barry, "I brought some back to Rachel from Coast City once."

"It was delicious," Rachel said, "My favorite was the raspberry and the butterscotch."

Barry smiled, "That's great. I'll have to get some next time I'm over there."

The girls continued to chatter back and forth, when Barry noticed a house he had been avoiding everytime he sped over here.

His house.

Barry froze and stared at the house. 

The house where his mom was murdered. Murdered by a man he had trusted. 

Barry's breathing became rapid and tears formed in his eyes. 

He vaguely heard someone calling his name, but he couldn't register it over the rushing in his ears, the thoughts racing through his head, and the horrible memories that flashed in the forefront of his mind. All the feelings Barry had been trying to supress exploded to the surface.

His knees gave out beneath him and he started sobbing on the ground. 

To make matters worse, the man that caused all this pain was still free and Barry's dad was still in prison. 

And it hurt. 

A lot.

Barry continued to sob.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and leaned into it, desperately needing the comfort. 

He heard calming voices and calmed down. Barry's sobs turned to sniffles. And when he finally came to, he felt embarrassed and ashamed, but also miserable. 

"Hey, it's okay Bar," Mercedes said.

Rachel was stroking Barry's hair soothingly.

"Hey hey," Mercedes said, "calm down."

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Rachel and Mercedes were talking back and forth when Rachel noticed that Barry was no longer next to them.

"Mercedes," she said, halting her friend and turning around. 

What they saw startled them. Barry was standing frozen in front of a house.

"What's wrong with Barry?" Mercedes asked. Rachel shrugged.

Barry started to hyperventilate, making the girls worry more. They threw a quick, panicked glance at one another, and rushed over to Barry.

"Barry!" Rachel shouted as Barry's knees gave out and he collapsed onto the ground, sobbing. The girls were alarmed, having no idea what caused him to break down like this.

Rachel put a hand on his shoulder and Barry leaned into it. 

Mercedes used a calming voice and calmed Barry down. Barry's sobs turned to sniffles.

"Hey, it's okay Bar," Mercedes said.

Rachel stroked Barry's hair soothingly.

"Hey hey," Mercedes said, "calm down."

Barry took deep breaths and wiped the tears off his face. "Sorry," he croaked.

"Hey, don't be sorry," Mercedes said, "What's wrong?"

Barry ran a hand over his face and gestures to the house they were in front of, "This was my old house."

The girls' eyes widened in realization. They both embraced Barry.

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