Chapter 20

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She huffed and crossed her arms. Santana growled and stood up. "I'm going for a walk."

Thad followed her, "You probably shouldn't go alone," he said, "you know, with the evil speedster out of the bag and all."

"Whatever," she said, "let's go."


Santana and Thad walked for a solid 30 minutes. They didn't have any destination in mind, so they were a little surprised when they ended up at the precinct. They looked up in time to see a red blur run out of the building.

"Found Barry," Thad said. 

"What are we even doing Thad?" Santana asked. "I mean, since we've come to Central City, everything has gone from normal to completely insane. And we really haven't done anything for Barry except make him miserable."

"That's not true Santana," Thad said. He placed his hand on her shoulder, "We've done a lot for Barry. We got him singing and dancing again, we helped him find his mom's killer, and we've got everyone to see the real him. Well, almost everyone."

Santana scoffed, "I want to punch Rachel so bad."

Thad patted her shoulder sympathetically, "We all do San. We all do."

They laughed and sat down on a bench across from the precinct. "I'm a little bummed to be going home on Friday." Thad said, "It's going to be so boring."

"I know," Santana agreed, "Only three more days of Central City action and then it's back to New York for me."

"Oh yeah. How's college going for you?" Thad asked.

"Good," Santana said, "I'm just glad I'm not sharing an apartment with Rachel anymore."

Thad hummed in response. His phone rang, breaking their comfortable silence. He checked the caller ID and saw that it was Jeff. "Hey Jeff," Thad said, "What's up?" 

There was silence on the other end.

Thad frowned, "Jeff?" 

Santana now shared his worried frown.

"Jeff are you there? Jeff!"

The phone hung up. 

Santana bit her lip, "Maybe he just butt dialed you?"

"I sure hope so." Thad said, "Let's go check it out anyway."

She nodded and hailed a cab. 

---------- LINE BREAK ---------

Wes frowned. He was immensely confused at Barry's behavior. Lately, he seemed rather depressed, but when they first arrived at Central City, that wasn't the case at all. He had been so happy.

Nick and Jeff started talking to him.

"Wes. Wes. WES. Earth to Wes." Nick said.

"Hm?" He asked.

"What do you suppose  happened to Seb?" Jeff asked. 

"Quite frankly, I have no idea," Wes answered.

"Since when does Barry have trust issues?" Trent questioned.

"Why should I know?" He said, rather frustrated.

"It seems to me like Thad, Kurt, and Santana know something. Maybe Blaine too." Nick said. 

"Think we can pry information out of them?" Wes asked.

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