Chapter 8

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A/N- Hey y'all! Sorry for taking so long to update. Anyway, here's the next chapter. Enjoy! :)


Previously: Then he [Barry] ran to the Arrow cave in hopes of finding one very helpful and uplifting hacker.


Felicity was messing around with her computer, wishing Oliver or Dig was there to keep her company, when she felt a rush of wind and her favorite scarlet speedster was spinning in a chair. 

Felicity yelped, "Barry! What are you doing here?"

"Hi Felicity," Barry sighed.

"Wow," she said, "that is a lot of glum gloom I'm getting from you."

"Yeah," he sighed.

Felicity frowned, "What happened?" She was very curious as to what would make the normally cheerful CSI so upset. "Barry?" she asked when he didn't respond.

He sighed, "It's a long story." 

"Well I've got time," Felicity said.

Barry sighed. Again. "Alright. Well, I suppose I should start with the fact that my high school friends are here for a reunion."

"Where's you go to high school?"

"Dalton Academy, in Ohio," he answered. "Anyway, I was... not the same person in high school." Barry rubbed his neck, a nervous habit of his, "I was a jerk. I did a lot of things I regret."

Felicity rolled over to him and placed her hand on his arm, "Everyone does things they regret Barry. I did things I regret in high school also, but while they weren't okay to do, I wouldn't be the me I am today without it. And I don't need to know what you did, because I know you now, and I know that you are amazing, funny, kind, and that you wouldn't be the awesome you you are without having done those things. However questionable they were."

Barry smiled, "You're amazing Felicity. You always know what to say to make me feel better."

She smiled, "Thanks Bar. You want to finish your story?"

"Yeah, okay." he said, "So I hurt some people, but they did forgive me in the end. And most of us actually became friends. But they're in town, and they have met me, Barry Allen." 

Felicity looked at him confused, "What?"

"Oh! I forgot an important part! When I went to Ohio, it was to get away from bullies. So I changed my name to Sebastian Smythe while I finished high school."


"Yeah, Alexander Smythe is my uncle," Barry said sheepishly. 

"Oh. Okay."

"So, they've seen the real me now. Which is totally different from the person they knew. They knew a rude, gay boy who was a jerk and flirt to almost everyone." Barry said.

"Wait," Felicity said, "gay?"

"All part of the facade," Barry said, "Dalton was an all boy's school, so lots of them are gay. And in the spirit of not getting bullied, I pretended to be gay." Felicity nodded and gestured for him to continue. "Well, two of them actually met me earlier, after I woke up from my coma, and they found out I was the Flash after I got shot in front of them..."

"You got shot!?" Felicity screamed. 

"Yes. But that's not important." Felicity glared at him. Barry smiled, "Anyway, I thought that everyone would be more understanding after they made me tell them what happened with my mom, and since they've been spending time with the actual me, but apparently they think it's all an act."

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