Chapter 18

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Barry didn't go to STAR labs. He didn't think he would be able to look at Dr. Wells in the face and not punch him repeatedly. He also didn't know if Cisco and Caitlin knew. What if they were with him. 

Barry also didn't want to go home. He knew Joe was home, and Iris and Eddie might also be there. And Joe would know something was up. And Iris would press. And Barry really didn't want to talk to any of them.

Barry settled on going to work. There, he could be alone with his thoughts. Since he technically didn't have to be there, he didn't have any work he had to do. He just hoped no one would question his motives for coming into work on a Sunday.

Barry took a couple laps around the city before heading into the precinct. There weren't many people there, so he made it to his lab without anyone questioning him. But that could've been because they saw his face and deemed it best to give him some space.

Barry knew that he could trust Joe. He determined that Joe was the only person he really knew right now. Joe would stay by Barry's side through anything. 

Barry was fairly sure he could trust the New Directions and Warblers. Except for the four, no one knew his secret, so they couldn't possibly be working with Wells. No it's Thawne. From the future. Eobard Thawne.

And Santana, Thad, Kurt, and Blaine showed him that he was the Reverse Flash, so they couldn't be with him. Unless that was all part of the plan. And they were just trying to get him to trust them so they could stab him in the back later. 

Barry knew he wasn't thinking logically. But he was scared. 

He didn't know if he could trust Caitlin and Cisco anymore. They could be working with him. It's not illogical. They all knew each other before they knew Barry.

Barry put his head in his hands. He took a few deep breaths to try and calm his nerves. He sat like that for a few minutes until he heard a soft knock on the wall.

"Allen?" He heard the Captain say, "Are you alright?"

Barry looked up, "I'm alright Captain. Just thinking."

Singh raised an eyebrow and frowned at him, "Have you eaten at all? You look a little pale."

"I'm fine. I had a snack earlier," Barry assured. He didn't mention, of course, that he probably ran it all off in his laps around the city at super speeds. 

"Alright," Singh said. "If you need anything, I'll be in my office."

Barry gave him a small smile, "Thanks."

The Captain left and Barry stood up. He instantly became dizzy. Barry clutched his head, "Uh oh." he said. Barry had not eaten or drank since about four o'clock, since he hardly got any sleep, and with his running and metabolism, it shouldn't have been a surprise that this was happening.

Barry swayed from side to side and black spots danced in his vision. He grabbed his desk to steady himself, but missed and stumbled. Then he blacked out.

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Captain Singh was getting a cup of coffee when he saw Barry walk into the precinct. It was odd, to say the least. Barry almost never came in on Sundays. And Singh noticed he looked terrible, like he hadn't eaten or slept in a while. Singh finished his cup of coffee and decided that he should go check on his CSI.

He walked to the lab. He saw Barry hunched over with his head in his hands. He didn't want to scare him, so he knocked on the wall and said, "Allen? Are you alright?"

Barry looked up at him. He looked awful. "I'm alright Captain. Just thinking."

Singh raised an eyebrow skeptically. He frowned, "Have you eaten at all? You look a little pale."

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