Chapter 11

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The four glee members made their way to STAR labs. When they reached the building, Santana turned to her friends. 

"Alright. We should split up. Lady Hummel and Blaine and Thad and me. That way it will be less suspicious if we're caught." 

"Less suspicious," Kurt said, "because sneaking around a place we hardly know when Barry isn't even there totally isn't suspicious."

"We can just say we were looking for Barry." Santana said. 

"Whatever," Kurt said, "Let's go."

They walked inside and went in separate directions. 

"Come on Thad," Santana said, "Keep your eyes open."

Thad sighed, "Whatever you say Santana."

"What's that supposed to mean?"



"Fine," he said, " I just don't know that this is the best way to go about this. I totally believe you about Wells, but sneaking around like this?"

"Well we can't tell Barry. Or Caitlin. Or Cisco. Or the Warblers. Or the New Directions. And we can't exactly go up to Well and ask if he's some sort of criminal or evil speedster. If he's not that would be bad for us. If he is, that would also be bad for us." Santana explained.

"Point taken," Thad said.

"Right. Let's go."

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"You've been awfully quiet," Kurt said.

Blaine sighed, "I just don't really like sneaking around like this. And just because we don't like Dr. Wells doesn't mean he's evil."

"I know Blaine," Kurt said, grabbing his hand, "But all of us know something isn't right with him, and we want to help Barry. So..."

"You're right. I guess." 

Kurt gave him a tight smile, "Let's see if we can find anything."

------------ LINE BREAK ------------

It had been a solid half hour of walking through the maze-like hallways of STAR labs and Santana was irked. 

"Ugh!" She shouted and pounded her fist on a wall. 

"What's the matter?" Thad asked.

"We're getting nowhere and I have no clue how to get out."

"Don't worry. I remember how to get out. As for not finding anything... well... I don't know." Thad leaned against the wall, but hit something in the process. It opened up the wall.

Santana gasped, "What the..." 

"Wow," Thad said, stepping inside. Santana followed him. She ran her hand along the wall and this time she tapped something. The wall opened to reveal a yellow sort of Flash suit. Santana gasped again, "The man in the yellow suit. Wells did kill Barry's mother." 

Santana growled. She was filled with rage at the thought of this man betraying her friend. She pulled out her phone and snapped a picture of the suit. 'Take that,' she thought.

"Santana, we should go," Thad said. "He could come back at any minute and I do not want to get caught."

"Right. Time to go." she agreed. The left and the wall closed behind them. They quickly maneuvered their way through the halls finding the exit with ease.

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Blaine sighed as they came up on thirty minutes of walking in deafening silence. "Kurt we should go. I don't think we're gonna find anything."

Kurt looked down, he was sure that this Wells guy was bad news, and he really didn't want to leave without some sort of proof. He was about to ask for just ten more minutes when he heard someone talking. He gestured for Blaine to be quiet. 

They sneaked up to the entrance of an empty room. When they peered inside, it wasn't so empty. 

Blaine let out a tiny gasp and Kurt quickly covered his mouth. He silently grabbed his phone and took a picture of the standing Dr. Wells. Once he had the picture, he grabbed Blaine's hand and they slowly walked away, careful to make zero noise. 

Once they were a good distance away, they picked up their pace until they were running through the halls. They paused to catch their breath.

Blaine looked at Kurt with wide eyes, "Tell me if I'm wrong, but isn't Dr. Wells paralyzed?"

Kurt nodded, "He's supposed to be."

"That means he very well could be the one that killed Barry's mom," Blaine gasped.

"We need to go. Now." Kurt decided.


They ran the rest of the way to the exit. Once they got outside, the were met by Santana and Thad. They raced over to them.

Everyone was trying to talk at once about their discoveries. 

"Everyone shut up!" Santana hollered. "Let's take this conversation somewhere not here."

They walked for a couple blocks until they deemed themselves a safe distance away.

"Okay what did you guys find?" Thad asked.

"Dr. Wells," Kurt said simply, pulling out his phone. 

Santana growled seeing the standing man. "No doubt about it now, huh Thad."


"What?" Blaine asked.

"This is what we found." she showed them the picture of the yellow suit. Blaine gasped. Kurt cursed. "Wells has to be the man in yellow that killed Barry's mom."

"We need to tell Barry," Blaine said.

"That's a bad idea," Thad said, "I don't think he's gonna take this news well. Knowing him, he'll do something incredibly stupid."

"Yeah, no telling Barry anything." Santana pressed.

"But what if Wells tries something!" Blaine argued, "Barry should be prepared."

"What if we tell someone other than Barry?" Kurt suggested.

"What do you mean?" Thad asked.

"Like, what if we told his foster dad, Joe?" Kurt said.

"That's not a bad idea," Santana said. 

"Let me call him," Kurt said. He opened his phone. Then he cursed very loudly.

"Whoa! Kurt!"Blaine said.

"What is it?" Thad questioned.

"The picture's gone!" he yelled angrily.

"What?" Santana said. Then she whipped out her phone. She cursed worse than Kurt did. "Mine's gone too."

Thad cursed. "We have no proof now!" everyone cursed. It was a dark moment for those four. Lots of angry cursing.

"We have nothing to show Joe. Nothing to prove Wells is the man in yellow. This is a disaster!" Kurt yelled.

Blaine sighed, "As much as I would love to stand here cursing more, we should get back before anyone notices we're missing. Particularly Barry."

"Right," Thad groaned, "let's get going."


A/N- Yay! I finished another chapter! But Crap-ola, they lost their evidence. Dag nab-it. 


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