Chapter 17

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9:00 came way too soon far Barry's liking. He staked outside of STAR labs and watched Dr. Wells leave. Barry was dreading what he was going to find. 

At about 9:15, Santana, Thad, Kurt, and Blaine showed up. 

Santana bit her lip, "You ready Barry?"

Barry refused to make eye contact with any of them, "Sure."

They went inside as quietly as they could. They had no idea if Wells had some sort of warning system to alert him if people were there. They just wanted to get in and out.

"So where is it," Barry said, his voice lacked emotion.

"This way," Thad said. He and Santana led, while the others followed. Thankful that Santana had the insight to count how many steps the secret room was from the entrance, they were in the right spot in roughly ten minutes. 

Santana moved her hand along the wall, looking for the right spot. She finally brushed over it. "Ah ha!"

"Shh," Thad scolded. 

The wall opened to reveal the secret room aka the time vault. 

Barry's breath hitched. He slowly walked in. His eyes widened upon seeing the yellow suit of his mother's killer. He walked around the room to a podium sort of thing. He tilted his head and touched it.

A giant face appeared. Everyone jumped. 

"Hello Barry Allen," it said.

Barry narrowed his eyes, "You know who I am?"

"Of course," it replied, "Barry Allen. Also known as the Flash. Born September 30, 1992. CSI for the Central City Police Department..."

Barry cut her off, "Who are you?"

"I am Gideon." it said.

"Do you know Dr. Wells?" Barry asked.

"Yes. Dr. Wells. Also known as the Reverse Flash or Eobard Thawne. Born January 12, 2032." (A/N- Just made up a future date, I don't actually know when he was born.) 

"Hold up," Kurt said, "Wells is from the future?"

"Why is he here?" Barry asked.

"To kill you," Gideon said.

Everyone was quiet. They already sort of knew that, but to actually have it confirmed was way worse.

Santana looked at Gideon, "Can she show us the future."

"I don't know," Barry said, he turned to Gideon, "Can you show me the future?"

Gideon disappeared and was replaced by an article.

Thad read it, "Flash missing vanishes in crisis."

Barry saw who wrote it, "By Iris West-Allen?"

"Congrats Barry," Santana said.

"Huh." He said. He read the time stamp, "This is in 2024."

"Dang," Kurt said. 

"Can you like, not tell Dr. Wells we were here?" Barry asked hopefully.

"Of course." Gideon said, "I will obey any order given to me by you."

Barry frowned, confused, "Why?"

"Because you made me."

Barry just nodded. 

"Okay," Blaine said, "We should go."

"Agreed," Kurt said.

"Alright." Barry said. 

They left the time vault and hurried back to the hotel. Barry was silent the entire time.

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