Chapter 24

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"I can't believe you settled on pool party." Barry said to Kurt, "Why couldn't you have said we were going bowling or something easier to set up?"

"It was the first thing that popped in my head!" Kurt defended. 

Barry just shook his head. Him, Kurt, and Blaine were at Joe/Barry's house coming up with plans for the pool party they were supposed to throw. Barry was helping with location and reservation. 

"Whatever," Blaine said, "It's not like we can change it now anyway. What pool are we reserving?"

"I talked to one of my old neighbors, and they agreed to loan us their backyard. They are leaving on Thursday and left me a key. They said as long as we cleaned up it was okay with them." Barry said.

"Sweet." Kurt said. "How big is it? What's the shape of the pool? Do they have a barbeque?"

Barry smiled and rolled his eyes. "Just a sec." He speed drew an aerial view of his neighbors' backyard. 

The pool was squigly-ish, and long. Barry wrote that it was 12 ft deep. They had a veranda, barbecue, and two umbrella tables with two recliner chairs each. 

"Wow that's cool," Blaine said. Barry grinned. 

"Oh this is perfect!" Kurt exclaimed. He started rambling about what would go where and who needed to bring what. 

"I can run to the store to get everything, if you want," Barry offered.

"Sure! Thanks Barry." Kurt said. 

Blaine dug through his pockets, "Here lemme give you some cash. I don't want you to have to pay for it."

"Don't worry about it," Barry said, "I'll pay."

Kurt shook his head, "Nonsense."

Blaine shoved some money into Barry's hands. 

"Alright, you know everything you need to get?" Kurt asked.

Barry nodded and sped off.

----------- LINE BREAK ------------

Barry sped in and out of several stores, gathering everything needed for the pool party. 

After dropping everything off at the neighbors' house, he raced to Jitters for a cup of much needed coffee. 

He sat down and sighed. 

He heard a chuckle and looked up to see Nick and Jeff.

"Figures we'd find you in a coffee shop." Nick said.

Barry smiled.

They sat down on either side of Barry. 

"I feel a serious talk coming on that I would really like to avoid." Barry said with a small grin.

Jeff smiled softly, "Sorry, you aren't getting out of it."

Barry nodded and sighed, "Alright. Shoot."

"You've been really distant lately," Nick said.

"Well, I have a busy life," Barry said.

"Yeah, but there's something else," Nick said certainly.

"We're your brothers," Jeff said, "We knew you throughout high school and we shared rooms, you really think we can't tell that there's something bugging you?"

Barry bit his lip, but didn't say anything.

Nick grabbed his hand, "Sebastian, talk to us."

Barry swallowed, "I-It's really-I can't-"

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