Chapter 21

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Barry raced to STAR labs after taking care of the robbery. He turned to his friends, "You'd think having a super speeding superhero in town would discourage people from committing crime."

Cisco nodded, "One would think."

"Oh, Barry," Caitlin said, "You're friend has been calling you. Blaine I think."

"Okay." Barry said, his phone rang. He sighed and picked it up, "Blaine?"

"Oh thank god." Blaine said, confusing Barry."Barry! Jeff, Wes, Kurt, and Quinn have been taken!"

"By who?" Barry asked alarmed.

"By some guy in a parka looking for you."

Barry cursed, "Snart. Damn. Do you know where he's going?"

"No. No. But Barry, please hurry and find out. I'm worried what he'll do to them." Blaine told him.

"Don't worry Blaine. I'll find them. And Snart won't kill them, so don't worry." Barry said. He turned to Cisco, "Find Snart would you?" he asked. Cisco nodded and got to work. He and Snart had a deal, and Snart knew what would happen if he broke his end.

"How can you be so sure?"

Barry sighed, "I- I'll explain later."

"Found him!" Cisco exclaimed.

 "I've got to go. Cisco found where he's at." Barry said, hanging up.

"Snart just stopped at an abandoned warehouse outside of town." Cisco said, "Man, what is with villains and their abandoned warehouses?"

Barry didn't hear him, as he was already on his way to save his friends.

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Quinn hugged her knees, "What does he want with us?"

Jeff shrugged, "Why would we know? He wants to lure the Flash in, and I'm pretty sure he could use anyone to do that. We were just unlucky enough to be the ones he picked."

The van stopped. The doors opened, and the two men were waiting to escort them out into an abandoned warehouse.

The bulkier man, Mick, grabbed Wes. Wes frowned, "Why us? If you want to lure the Flash, you could use anyone."

Snart smiled, "Well it always works better when there's a personal attachment. Which is why I chose you lucky people."

"We don't have any connection with the Flash," Quinn protested.

"Yeah," Jeff agreed, "We don't. You should let us go."

Snart laughed. Wes noticed that Kurt had remained silent the entire time, and had his head lowered. He narrowed his eyes at him, but said nothing. Mick tied them all up and threw them in a corner. Then they left, for the time being.

"Kurt." Wes said.


"Do you know who the Flash is?" Wes asked.

Kurt swallowed thickly, "No. No, why would you ask that?"

"A few reasons actually," he said. Quinn and Jeff listened intently, "One, you haven't said a word since we got into the van. Two, you kept your eyes on the floor, the way you do when you know something but you won't say. Three, you flinched when he mentioned a personal attachment to him."

"You... you are more observant than I gave you credit for," Kurt said. 

"So do you know who he is?" Quinn asked.

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