Chapter 7

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Barry left to go talk with Iris and Rachel spoke up. "That probably won't end well."

"Why not?" Quinn asked.

"I mean," Rachel said, "She's gonna find out what a jerk he actually is."

"He's not a jerk Rachel," Santana growled.

"Oh sure," she scoffed, "Throwing a slushie at Blaine wasn't him being a jerk. Neither was making nude pictures of Finn. Not a jerk at all."

"Rachel, we've all forgiven him. And he's changed. He's not like that anymore." Blaine said defensively.

"Once a bully always a bully," she countered.

"You haven't been around him as much as we have, Rachel," Kurt said. "And you know what he's been through."

"Yeah," she said, "He's crazy. Thinking his dad didn't kill his mom. He's probably gonna end up a killer too. Evidence would suggest-"

At this, Santana tackled her, "You bitch!" Rachel screamed.

There was lot's of yelling and people trying to pull Santana off of Rachel. They managed to get them apart, but not before Santana managed to give Rachel a black eye. Barry ran over. 

"What's going on?" He asked.

Rachel glared at him, "Oh drop the act already would you!"

Barry looked at everyone confused, "What-"

Rachel started to say something, but Thad cut her off, "Another word Rachel, and I will not restrain Santana."

Rachel glared at him and crossed her arms. "Finn help me out here."

Finn just shook his head, "Sorry Rachel, but you're entirely out of line."

"Does someone want to tell me what's going on?" Barry asked.

"It's nothing, Barry," Thad said.

"Doesn't seem like nothing," he countered.

"We were just betting on how much longer your 'nice' act would last. Most of us agree that it won't be too much longer," Rachel lied.

Barry took a step back, clearly hurt by this.

"That's not true, Barry," Santana said hurriedly. 

"We would never do that," Thad said.

"We know you've changed," Kurt said.

Barry swallowed, "I'm just gonna go for a walk." He quickly turned and left.

"Great job Rachel," Mercedes said. "How is it that you're the only one who can't see the truth?"

Rachel frowned. She felt a little bad, she just didn't want her friends getting hurt because they trusted someone they shouldn't have. "I just... No one can change that much."

"You didn't even know him in high school," Wes said, "You only saw what he let you see."

"But why would he choose to be a jerk?" Rachel asked, much more clam now.

"Think about all you know about Barry Allen," Santana said, "maybe that will give you a clue."

Then she left to go find Barry. Thad followed her.

--------------- LINE BREAK -----------------

Earlier, when Barry went to talk with Iris

"Explain Barry," Iris commanded.

"Explain what?"

"You! On stage! Singing and dancing like a rock star!" she hollered.

"You think I was like a rock star?" Barry asked hopeful. Iris gave him a look. "Not relevant."


"I was in a glee club in Ohio." Barry started.

"No way," Iris laughed, "you were in a glee club? I thought you went to Dalton to get away from bullies."

"Actually," Barry said, "The Warblers were like top of the food chain at Dalton. We really were like rock stars."

"And you were the lead?" Iris asked.

"Yeah, I was captain for a little." Barry explained.

"Barry! This is so cool!" Iris exclaimed, "Why do you never talk about this?"

Barry frowned, "I did a lot of things there that I'm not proud of."

"I know you," Iris said, "it couldn't have been that bad."

"How's almost blinding someone and making nude pictures of someone else to try and win regionals," Barry growled. Angry at himself. And also mad that he was having to tell Iris. He really wanted to keep this part of him away from the girl he liked.

Iris took a step back, shocked, "Barry..."

"I know!" Barry shouted, "I was awful."

"I- I'll see you later," Iris said quietly and practically ran away.

Barry threw his arms up in frustration. How had such a good day gone downhill so fast? Then he heard shouting over by where his friends were. He ran over to see what the commotion was.

"What's going on?" He asked. Rachel was sporting a black eye, Santana was being restrained by Thad and Quinn, and several people looked about ready to attack someone.

Rachel glared at him, "Oh drop the act already would you!"

Barry looked around, very confused, "What-"

Rachel started to say something, but Thad cut her off, "Another word Rachel, and I will not restrain Santana."

Rachel glared at him and crossed her arms. "Finn help me out here."

Finn just shook his head, "Sorry Rachel, but you're entirely out of line."

"Does someone want to tell me what's going on?" Barry asked. He was already upset after his chat with Iris, and this was just making him more annoyed.

"It's nothing, Barry," Thad said.

"Doesn't seem like nothing," he countered.

"We were just betting on how much longer your 'nice' act would last. Most of us agree that it won't be too much longer," Rachel said to Barry with a smirk.

Barry took a step back, hurt. What? Why would they-?

"That's not true, Barry," Santana said hurriedly.

"We would never do that," Thad said.

"We know you've changed," Kurt said.

Barry swallowed, he really needed to think, "I'm just gonna go for a walk." He quickly turned and left. As soon as he was out of their line of sight, he ran. 

Because that's what Barry did. Ran. He always ran. So he kept running. He ran until he ended up at Starling City. Barry paused to catch his breath. Then he ran to the Arrow cave in hopes of finding one very helpful and uplifting hacker.


A/N- Yay! Team Arrow is going to make appearance! Hope you all are enjoying! 


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