Chapter 23

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"Where did Quinn go?" Mercedes asked. 

"Why should I know?" Rachel asked.

"I was not talking to you Rachel. I was talking to everyone except you." Mercedes said.


"Says you."

"Ladies, please," Wes said. 

"Why don't you just call her?" Artie asked.

"Right," Mercedes said, and dialed Quinn.

"Speaking of missing persons," Wes said, "Where are Thad, Blaine, Kurt, Santana, and Barry?"

"They seem to disappear a lot," Jeff said.

"But to where?" Nick asked.

"And why?" Trent asked.

"Don't know and don't know." Wes replied.

Just then, the six missing people walked through the doors of Jitters. 

"There they are!" Artie shouted.

"Where did you guys go?" Mercedes asked.

"We went to go visit with Iris," Santana easily lied. "She was feeling a little left out, so we decided to go say hi."

"And you didn't invite the rest of us?" Mercedes asked.

"Well, then it would have been way too crowded and overwhelming," Kurt said as though it were obvious.

"Whatever, you're here now," Rachel said.

"Yeah yeah," Quinn said. The six went and ordered their drinks.

"Okay, try and be discreet, but pull out your phones and keep them on silent. We can text each other ideas about how to stop Wells." Barry said.

They nodded, ordered, and sat back down.

SS- Barry, SL- Santana, BA- Blaine, KH- Kurt, TD: Thad, QF- Quinn, CR: Cisco, CS: Caitlin

SS: any great ideas yet?

SL: We've literally only been here for like, five minutes, chill.

SS: Sorry. Just anxious.

BA: It's alright Bar.

KH: U'd b weird if u weren't anxious

QF: What if we created a trap?

SS: K k. How?


TD: We should add Cisco and Caitlin. They could help.

SS: Sure. Gimme a sec. 

SS: K. They're added.

CR: Wazzup?

SS: How would one go about making a trap for the Reverse Flash?

CR: There's a lot of thinking that goes in2 that.

KH: Well... how fast can u think?

CR: Depends

SS: :(

BA: Don't worry. We'll figure something out.

SL: What else is there to do besides a trap?


CS: Bar what about your dad? Wells needs to confess.

QF: To what?

Long Time No See -Flash x GleeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt