What? - Chapter 25

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I was walking down the road when suddenly heard a explosion..... and it's from my favorite shop NOOOOOO!!!!!

I run to where the explosion is and hoping it was not fully destroyed.

Partial: It's fully destroyed. Now I have to find a another shop that suits my liking.

Then Partial caught something in the corner of his eye.

It's some men, probably responsible for the explosion, and they're escaping.

Partial was piss beyond belief.

Partial: Alright whoever you are, you're DEAD.

He followed the men and maybe they will lead you to their hideout.

They went down to the alleyway, how typical.

Then they bought out a device, a futuristic device.

Partial: [So they're from another world.]

???: Okay, we've got what we needed. Soldier #02937 contact HQ.

Soldier #02937: Roger that. HQ, this is Squad 45 we've got the package. 

HQ Caller: Roger that Squad 45, proceed with DT transport over.

Soldier #02937: Copy that HQ, proceeding with DT transport over and out.

Soldier #02937: Okay, Soldier #85764 activate the DT.

Soldier #85764: Roger *Activates the DT*.

???: Move in. Now!

All of them: Yes sir!

Then one by one they entered the portal.

After a few minutes they're gone and the portal has disappeared.

Partial: I have to come back tomorrow. Maybe they will come back tomorrow and if they do I will neutralize them and enter the portal to see what world awaits me there. But for now I'll rest because I'm tired.

ONE DAY LATER.............

Partial: [Now I just have to wait] 

28 MINUTES LATER.......... 

Partial: [Okay where are they?]

He said irritatingly.

As if on cue they appeared.

Partial: [There they are.]

Partial quickly lunged himself at them completely decimating them and leaving the portal open.

Partial: Alright let's see where this portal take me.


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