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"Lazslo, Sir" It was in the middle of the night when the numbers made their way onto the data pad at her feet. A cluster of them, like a repeating pattern over and over, never ending or slowing down.

They'd tinkered together all night, increasing the radius for tracking droids on a scanner connected to the nearest Resistance base close to Jakku and honed in on the particular model to try to pick up BB-8's little signature. So far nothing had come of it, Lazslo had fallen asleep leaning against the table while Sola had remained awake, working under the soft light of an old lamp she'd found stashed in one of the storage rooms.

Grumbling under his breath, the head mechanic stirred from the sound of her voice. A hand coming to rub his eyes before he focused his tired gaze on her. "Hmm?"

"I'm not sure what it is's, it's something..." That peaked his interest, shuffling over to her across the dusty floor he peered at the screen which was filling up with the string of numbers over and over again.

"It's not like any binary I've seen before" Sola tilted her head at the screen, still confused, but hoping at that meant something to someone more experienced.

"It's not a language" Lazslo corrected slowly, he sounded more awake now.

"Those are coordinates"

What?! Did that mean-

"We found our droid" Just like that Lazslo was on his feet, grabbing a hold of his com and speaking into it with a firm voice "This is Lazslo, contact the General, we found the droid, it's on his way to Takodana".

The fleet of fighters was readied faster than Sola thought was humanly possible. The pilots gathering around the table with the General at the head, discussing on how to approach the planet if, or rather when, the First Order ships inevitably arrived. They were still silently waiting for conformation of BB-8's location, the mechanic knew the string of coordinates they'd received could have been compromised or old, they needed assurance what they were heading into wasn't a trap in anyway.

"With all due respect General, we can't wait any longer. If BB8 is on that planet, we need to get there first" Poe was adamant from the moment he'd found out where his precious friend was, that they leave as soon as possible. Leia Organa however, had reminded him that the lives of the Resistance were more important.

Sola had stood at the back of the command centre, silently observing while Lazslo was helping the other mechanics ready the X-Wings. She wasn't quite sure what else she could be doing besides standing, listening, hoping.

"General, we just got conformation from our agent at Takodana Castle, the droid has been spotted" Lieutenant Connix appeared at the table to address the group of pilots with a stern face "It's been spotted with Han Solo and two others".

"Permission to depart, General?" Poe spoke before the General could respond to Connix,

"Go" Was her only response, and it was enough. Just like that, the band dispersed, grabbing their helmets and running out of the room in the direction of the landing platforms.

She didn't expect him to, but Poe stopped by the door and turned towards the mechanic. Searching her face for a second before reaching his hand out to place on her shoulder "Thank you, I'll bring him back for us" he spoke as if BB was theirs, the idea made Sola's heart tighten just a little.

The blond wanted to say so much to him right there. Beg him to be safe, tell him not to be reckless. But whatever came to her mind was instantly silenced with how he was looking at her. "Go save our droid, and your Stormtrooper friend" He'd briefly mentioned Finn once he'd gotten news of BB8's whereabouts. Explaining that the defecting trooper had helped him escape and saved his life. Whoever this Finn person was, Sola wanted to thank him properly if she ever got to meet him.

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