manus in mano

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hand in hand.

hand in hands.

multiple. or one?

many? a few hands?

what supports the soul every morning to haul the self into the world? hands.

do the hands prompt thoughts, push actions, create desire? 

do the hands slap, or do they pet? the hands pull others out of the drive thru window...into a new world of perfection?

y e s.




"i've lost all ambition of worldly acclaim,

i just want to be the one you love.

and with your admission that you'd feel the same

i'll have reached the goal i'm dreaming of, believe me."

the ink spots +++ i don't want to set the world on fire

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the ink spots +++ i don't want to set the world on fire


welcome to jungkook's memories. 

burnt hands brush the flesh of his skin, pulling him from his pharmacy stupor and into a cave of the shiniest diamond.


august 23, 2019

9:28 p.m.

fifth avenue pharmacy


third person POV

"here's a stack i need mixed and labeled for tomorrow."

andrew sets the freshly printed stack of prescription sheets on the white counter. the other two late night pharmacists nod their affirmation of the request. andrew hardly looks up at them. like most workers at the pharmacy, they're used to his late minute demands. 

their shift normally ends at ten, but the pharmacist on drive-thru duty is scheduled until eleven. it means he's the last one to leave, the one who has to pick up all the loose ends left by his counterpart. 

"don't worry, jungkook. i'll try to work quickly so you don't have to do much."

a tall, middle-aged woman with short brown hair presses her lips into a straight line. the woman then proceeds to finger through the sheets, whining whenever a particularly troubling prescription comes up. some concoctions are easier to mix than others, just like some customers are more easy to deal with. 

"thanks, kendall."

jungkook says with his back facing the woman. he has no particular grievances with his co-worker, but he prefers it when he's left alone. normal people would dread being the last to leave the building, but he enjoys it. he hates the customer-service aspect of it. when he isn't talking to the dunces at the window, he's sorting, organizing, and busying his hands to perfect the pharmacy before close.

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